Maureen Dullas
Articles by
Maureen Dullas
Why Netflix’s Adaptation Of ‘13 Reasons Why’ Is As Brilliant As The Original Novel
As most television adaptations do, there are changes that make the story different from the book and most of us have witnessed how painful and cringing it could be for us fans who followed through the story but only to be disappointed with the director’s version of it.
Well, Netflix proved them wrong.
What We’re Doing Is Wrong
I would never go out with a guy who had a girlfriend. But I did.
We Are The Story That Never Was
All I have is this confused feeling of whether to talk to you or block you totally away from my life. Confused about what to feel, confused on how to take your actions. I can’t ask you because I’m scared to know the truth, whatever the truth is between us.
When Your Dreams Of The City Life Are Nothing Like The Life You’re Living
If you are looking for yourself, you are never going to find you here, darling.