There Is An Occult Store Near The Seattle Underground Where You Must Never, Ever Go. And Here’s Why.

Nigel pointed his finger at Tad’s forehead and said, “Boom!”

Tad flinched, slamming back into the wall, causing Nigel to erupt with laughter once more. “I’m just fucking with yah, mate.”

Tad regained his composure. “Th-That skull is more than the others. The rest start at $250…”

Blackstone let out an exaggerated whistle and raised his eyebrows, looking impressed. “And how much would this be? You’ve got me in a corner here and I’m a very motivated buyer.”

The clerk didn’t know how to answer; this whole event had turned his world upside down. He came in this morning dreading another day of wannabes and posers and now he was confronted with the real thing and what was he doing? Standing here, pissing himself.

“Well, th-tha… That one is $12,000. But if you have cash, I… I could let it go for 10?”

“You’ve got a deal.”

Tad looked visibly relieved to hear these words and, as he dragged a forearm across his sweat-soaked brow, he couldn’t help but grin at the strange man. That grin quickly vanished as Blackstone added…

“But I might just have a better one.”

The man slowly reached a hand inside his jacket, retrieving a deck of cards and two unmarked envelopes. Tad could see several $100 bills poking out of the envelopes as Blackstone tossed them onto the table.

“How about a game of chance?” Nigel shuffled the cards with the skill of a Las Vegas pit boss and set it on the table in front of Tad. “Blind man’s bluff. You win you take it all.”


About the author

Matthew R. Ellis

They say that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Well Matt works every goddamn day…with a little time to spare for writing at the end.

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