Matthew Fray

Matt blogs at Must Be This Tall To Ride.
Articles by
Matthew Fray
8 Ways Good People With Good Hearts Accidentally Ruin Relationships
Nonverbal invalidation comes in many forms. The worst are obnoxious eye rolls, finger-drumming, or yawning.
You’re Right, Guys—You Can’t Make Women Happy (But You CAN Stop Hurting Them)
You can stop hurting her by NOT treating her as if she’s insane for feeling hurt by something just because that same thing might not hurt you.
The Subtle (But Very Real) Difference Between Shitty And Non-Shitty Husbands And Wives
I didn’t know when I was married that emotional pain could hurt worse than physical pain.
The Myth Of The Nagging Wife — Why Men Need To ACTUALLY SEE The Hurt They Cause
There are various things men often do (or don’t do) that cause women to feel shitty in their relationships.
The Uncomfortable Truth About Who You Should Love Most (Between Your Spouse, Your Parents, And Your Kids)
In marriage, either your spouse is #1, or you’re doing it wrong.
How Good Guys Ruin Relationships (Without Even Realizing It)
I think the #1 cause of divorce is relationship-damaging behavior by men who honestly don’t recognize it. Good men with good intentions who damage their wives’ emotional and mental health with behaviors they don’t understand to be as damaging as they are.
The Things We Don’t Teach Men (And How It Ruins Everything)
So the boys grow up repeating the sins of their fathers.
Not because they’re bad. Just because they didn’t know better.
She Divorced Me Because I Treated Strangers Better Than I Treated Her
We know that we love the people we love. But the people we love only know we love them when they see, hear and feel evidence of that love. They don’t just psychically or magically feel good because of our thoughts and intentions.
I Was A Really Shitty Husband And I Didn’t Realize It Until Too Late
I was a shitty husband because I promised her in front of hundreds of people we knew that I would love and honor her all the days of my life. In good times, and in bad. And then I didn’t do that.
She Divorced Me Because I Left Dishes By The Sink
She didn’t want to be my mother. She wanted to be my partner, and she wanted me to apply all of my intelligence and learning capabilities to the logistics of managing our lives and household.