Mary Sellers

Articles by
Mary Sellers

Lessons From Living Alone

But it’s weird, you know? Living alone, existing primarily alone. I don’t dislike it, but it’s allowed for a good amount of me time, and I’m discovering a few things about myself.

Why Therapy Isn’t Just For Weirdos

It’s oftentimes painful for me to open up to people I know, which is strange and doesn’t make sense on the outside, but it kind of actually does if you really think about it. Sometimes we need the removal or absence of a relationship in order to really talk.

5 Crucial Truths About Heartbreak

Healing isn’t about Band-Aids, because however tempting, they’re always, always temporary. Let yourself be held, if you have a holder. And if you don’t, that’s okay too, because you love yourself; you must always remember to love yourself.

If You Find Inner Peace, You Can Grow From Rejection

And being faced with a rejection doesn’t mean that we’re failed human beings, it means that we are human beings and imperfect and that most rejections (especially in terms of creativity) are subjective things that spurn any type of real analysis.

How To Be A Woman

Know that you’re an inimitable person, unable to be defined by age or race or gender, but be proud of your gender, just the same.