Mary McMahon

Thought Thinker, Word Reader, Aspiring Giggle-inducer at your service.

Articles by
Mary McMahon

You Need To Think Less, And Feel More

Stop living through the fear. Stop living in the doubt. Begin to think less and feel more. Go with your gut. Feel all of it, and think nothing of it. Feel all the love or hope or happiness without letting your brain overcomplicate it.

Why Your Fling Ended Just In Time For Valentine’s Day

The idea is put into yours or their head that this holiday is supposed to mean something. That if you mess up or go too all-out, it’ll be written in stone for the rest of time. There’s just too much in the air, and all the societal pressure to put a figurative ring on it causes people to flip into a panic and abandon ship.

26 Things You Need To Stop Apologizing For By 26

Showing any kind of emotion. People love to shame emotions. If someone pisses you off, you’re allowed to be mad. If someone makes you feel special, you’re allowed to feel loved. Start accepting your emotions as a natural thing your body processes. You’ll be able to make smarter decisions because of it.

This Is How You Break Your Heart

You have to accept that love is something we do. It’s something we feel. But it’s not something to be searched for, bought, sought or won.

Here Are The 12 Types Of Love

Routine Love: You love each other. It’s just a fact. There’s this cozy comfort in this person. ‘Routine’ sounds like it’s a bad thing, but it’s really not. It’s simplicity. There’s no questioning.

Read This If You Don’t Have Regrets About Breaking Up

It’s not like it didn’t hurt for you. It did. It hurt a lot, but you also hurt a lot during the time you were together. So that final goodbye is less heartbreak for you, and more so your freedom to live and love yourself again.