Marissa Jayne

Articles by
Marissa Jayne

This Is How You Approach 30

This is how you get through the week leading up to the day you turn 29 and come one step closer to the big 3-0.

Conversations With Him

Man, I wish you were still here. There is so much I have to ask you about what to do from this point on. Maybe it was meant to be like this. Did you want me to write more?

9 Ways Women Can Become Better Women

When someone says you are beautiful, believe it. When someone tells you that you succeeded at work or in some other endeavor, believe it. None of the “No, no, it wasn’t that good” or any of the other nonsense I hear women say.

Even Adults Are Still Growing Up Sometimes

We need to be aware of what is hurting us and what is growing us. Sometimes we have to decide that it is okay to walk away for a while. This is not an excuse, this is being an adult and figuring out what works.