Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Your Pain Does Not Define You

Who we are as people is not comprised of the negative pieces of our lives, but the positive. By the ways we’ve stood back up after being pushed down, risen after falling. By the way we’ve continued, and never given up.

Be The Change The World So Desperately Needs

Be the laughter that spreads, the smile that greets a person who is struggling through their day. Be the encouragement a stranger needs, a shoulder for one to lean on, a hand to pull them back to their feet again.

I Love You (More)

I love you more. Which is to say that we all have numbered days, but I want to spend my temporary forever standing next to you.

Release And Begin Again

Right now I’m breathing in the hope for tomorrow. I’m exhaling my frustration, my stress, my anxiety. I’m releasing. And beginning again.

Rest In The Promises Of God

Faith is not conditional, not something that changes when the world doesn’t go your way. Faith has a foundation—so build yours in Him and don’t let it be shaken.