50 Comical (But Totally Real) Thoughts You Have When You Feel Like Absolute Crap

Ew. Where the heck does all this snot come from?!


Volodymyr Baleha
Volodymyr Baleha

1. I’m not sick, I’m just tired.

2. Okay, I’m totally sick.

3. I need Vitamin C!

4. Ew. Where the heck does all this snot come from?!

5. I wish my mom was here to take care of me.

6. I should ask her for that homemade chicken soup recipe.

7. God, I really need a nap.

8. When can I take a nap?

9. Should I call in sick?

10. I wonder if my boss will be pissed if I call in sick.

11. Ugh, I feel like deathhhhh.

12. Do I look okay?

13. Omg those bags under my eyes are terrible.

14. I don’t want to put on clothes.

15. God, I’m freezing.

16. Can I just wear fuzzy slippers all day?

17. I’m hungry.

18. Ugh, nothing sounds good to eat.

19. Ohmygoddddd what am I going to eat?!

20. Should I go to the doctor?

21. Will anyone notice that I’m wearing the same sweatpants?

22. Ew. My hair looks so greasy.

23. Is that a pimple?!?!

24. I should really take a shower.

25. Damn, this shower feels amazing.

26. Now I’m freezing!!!

27. Wow, these blankets are so warm!

28. Okay, I’m sweating.

29. I’m so hottttttttttt!

30. I don’t want to put on normal clothes.

31. Should I take medicine?

32. What helps with body aches?

33. Do I have a fever?

34. I need more Kleenex.

35. I’ve used three boxes of Kleenex already?!

36. I wonder if there’s anything good on TV.

37. What show should I watch on Netflix?!

38. I’m so tired.

39. I wonder if I smell like a sick person.

40. What do sick people smell like?

41. I wish I could breathe out of my nose.

42. Am I an annoying nose-blower?

43. Do I look stupid when I blow my nose?

44. OMG do I have a booger hanging from my nose?!?!

45. I should probably go to bed early tonight.

46. I still don’t know what to eat.

47. How long will this sickness last?

48. I should probably go to the doctor.

49. Do I look ugly when I cough?

50. Ew. I’m totally not cute right now. Thought Catalog Logo Mark