Marisa DeMarco
How To Create A Relationship With Time
But what if time was only viewed as a structure of organization? Perhaps it could ease the sense of urgency, but could allow us to grow and expand into our highest potential on our own accord. Of course this is not to devalue time’s importance and universal use, but rather merely highlighting its linear form.
How You Start Self-Loving In The Face of Self-Loathing
The mind is incredibly powerful. It has the ability to learn, absorb, analyze, process, and reflect while guiding us to make simple and complex decisions on a daily basis.
Becoming Self-Aware And Removing The Mask; The Pivotal Moment Of Change
Although I developed a successful career, I felt void as I missed out on the simple beauties and pleasures of everyday life; conversations with family members, enjoying a Sunday brunch with friends, admiring the beautiful collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and a long-term relationship dissolved.
The Day You Realize You Aren’t The Person You Thought You Were
All we need to do is let it open up and unfold naturally and the “why” will no longer matter.
How To Craft The Relationship You Want And Deserve
“You know, Marisa, that solutions to many of life’s problems come directly from the lines in a book?”
The Gift Of Gratitude, And The Simplicity Of Our Greatest Pleasures
I am grateful to be alive to appreciate every day of my life.
How To Commit To Yourself (And Others)
Nowadays, we have many choices — at times too many whether it be with various partners, job possibilities, studies, or simply choosing a book to read, a playlist to listen to, or a dinner entrée while dining out. We’ve also become accustomed to keeping one foot in while having the other foot out.
How To Say I Love You (Without Saying Anything At All)
Lucina asked, “Silvio, have I ever said I love you?” With a gentle smile and a shaking of his head, “No,” he replied. “But do you know that I love you?” “Of course.”
The Language Of Love And How To Speak It Fluently
In a general sense, our partner may believe that he/she is showing and expressing love, but it’s in a language that we perhaps don’t understand because it seems foreign and confusing.
A Lifetime Of Love And Commitment: When Two Hearts Are Bound In The Creation Of One
As he turned to face my grandmother in preparation of administering her medication, he realized that his beloved wife had gently passed away in her sleep. It soon became clear to him that it was indeed her light that she left behind as her final message of love.
When The Universe Throws A Golden Brick On Your Road Already “Under Construction”
My best friend, Matthew, refers to my golden brick moment as the one that turned my life upside down at the age of 26. My road “under construction” used to be countless hours of traffic on the 59th Street Bridge and L.I.E.
On Removing Emotional Blocks That Impede Growth And Happiness
Eventually, the stacks start to diminish, the space becomes larger and uncluttered, and more light shines through the window that was once was covered up.
The Outcomes Of Risk; The Consequences Equal To The Successes Of Our Actions
Despite what decision we make for better or for worse — we can begin to take cues, trust our intuition, and follow the lead of the universe that responds and gives us what it is we need in the most individualized way.
The Root Of How Others Perceive Us Is How We See Ourselves
I am perfectly imperfect and I’m at the sea. Where would you like to be visible and perfectly imperfect?
Handwritten Letters And Wax Seals: The Intimate Exchange Of Mindful Creation
There is something beautiful and timeless about writing a handwritten letter — returning to the art form of the mind and heart making a perfect union together with pen and paper.