Marisa DeMarco
The One Secret To Long Lasting Love Is This
From a young age I knew on some level that my purpose was to be a conduit of love.
20 Guilty Pleasures That Can Satisfy Any Desire
Retail therapy.
The Truth About You (That Will Change Your Life Forever)
But here’s the simple truth: you are worthy, deserving, and a person of value.
10 Empowering Moments That Everyone Should Experience At Least Once
“Be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.”
A Love Letter To New York
To my once beloved, did you know that I had the biggest crush on you since I was 13?
13 Ways That Only Someone Who Loves You Looks At You
When you are feeling uneasy, worried, or need support, your partner’s eyes will instinctually meet yours.
Are You On A Journey As A Turtle Or A Giraffe? Here’s How You Can Tell
After driving for over an hour beginning at the sea, going through the countryside and somehow winding up in the mountains, something amazing happened.
The Writing Is On The Wall (And This Is What It Says To You)
If “the writing is always on the wall”, why is it that we either choose to ignore it or temporarily become illiterate?
12 Simple Ways To Rejuvenate And Reinvent One’s Self
Springtime is approaching and we gain another hour of illumination.
Why It’s Time To Take Your (Mental) Playlist Off Loop
Life creates a series of memories that resemble songs; sometimes you have those beautiful melodies that make you want to get up and dance, empower you for great things, and bring you back to a better time.
Why Everything And Nothing Matters (Today and Always)
For something that means the “end-all-be-all” to someone could simply just be a blip on the radar for another.
Committing And Settling: 6 Deciding Factors To Stay Or Walk Away
Balance provides stability and opportunities for growth whereas imbalance provides insecurity and impedes the possibilities.
How To Feel Happy Instead of Going Through The Motions
To feel happy requires the choice to commit to one’s self.
How To Live Life Rather Than Survive It
It’s our choice to realize that what has already happened in the past; both lovely and difficult no longer exists—it’s now a part of our life’s history contained in our memories.
10 Simple Ways To Be Present (While Living In The Present)
By letting people and situations grow on their own timeframe, it eliminates pressure placed upon them and ourselves for what they “should be or become” to fit our vision.
The Importance Of Self-Preservation: Why You Must Save Yourself Before Saving Anyone Else
What I have come to discover is this: the only person in my life that at times felt broken beyond repair was me.
How Transcending Your Mind’s Limits Leads You To Creating The Life You Always Wanted
They create indelible marks that get imprinted on our lives. Or as my father calls it “scars on the brain.”
25 People On What Love Means To Them (And Why It’s Always A Subjective Experience)
At my age, it’s the discovery that words and gestures are superficial in respect to the depth of feelings one has inside. Once this feeling has taken root, it can never be eliminated. It’s a feeling of pleasurable security and harmony that allows the heart to live with less fear and allows one to live peacefully.