Marisa DeMarco
A Positive Outlook And Outcome: When To Overlook Something In A Relationship
Simple gestures are the ones that speak volumes and show thought and care.
The Most Telling Dating Activity Is This
Does he/she make an effort to hold your hand, put his/her arm around you, and either take or follow the lead with ease or resistance? Is there playful and/or gentle contact between you both or there is more reserve?
3 Things To Know About Yourself At Any Age
We shift, grow, change, and evolve at our own pace whether prompted by external forces, internal sensations, or a combination of both.
5 Ways To Feel Good About Somebody Rather Than Being Convinced About Them
Sometimes our walls are so thick that it’s nearly impossible for us to escape ourselves and allow others to enter.
Why “Right Here and Right Now” Is Where You Are Meant To Be
Living in the past of broken dreams, failures, mistakes, what ifs, would have, should have, and could have, along with feelings of guilt and shame whether inflicted by others or self-imposed is not doing you or anyone else connected to you justice.
8 Dating Tips From A World War II Man About Town
“Two girls, two dates, same night, and same movie.”
10 Signs That You’re Ready To Have A Solid Relationship
Love is unique to the beholder in all aspects of expression, feeling, and beliefs.
How To Face Hardship And Overcome It (Italian Style)
During the month of January, I agonized over some of the most difficult matters of the heart while contending with work and immigration issues since moving to Italy only months prior.
Home Is Where You Are (No Matter Where It May Be)
There are some of us who grow up in our local towns and may not even venture out more than 50 miles away to live, work, and even travel beyond what has always been known.
5 Signs To Tell If You’re In A Healthy Relationship With Yourself
Interpersonal relationships are a substantial and important part of life.
Don’t Be Afraid To Be Happy
If someone expresses and shares a pure moment of happiness, many times it’s often questioned or perhaps sabotaged by another’s sadness and jealously.
The 3 Main Keys To Open Your And Your Partner’s Heart
When fear is present, it tends to take hold in sometimes skewed, irrational, or anxious manifestations.
9 Ways To Be Healthy Selfish Rather Than Unhealthy Selfless
Healthy selfishness is a concept that many of us grapple with and perhaps truly don’t grasp what it exactly means.
The Desire of Passion: Hot And Heavy Or Steady and Growing?
Yesterday while sitting in the provincial garden of the quintessential Italian “nonna” (grandmother), she took my hand and looked me square in the eyes.
7 Reasons Why The “Right Person” Doesn’t Exist
The “love of our life” is the one that makes us feel the most, but he/she will never be permanent.
The 6 Honest Truths That Can Only Be Shared Between Best Friends
Fears about failure.
Why You Shouldn’t Compare The Person You’re Dating Or Your Partner To An Ex
Dating and relationships are chock-full of lessons, experiences, intimacy, and interpersonal exchanges.
To Dominate or Be Dominated? 4 Signs To Tell If You’re An Alpha Or A Beta Personality Type
There is a marked difference between being an alpha male or female in contrast with being a beta.