You Will Find Someone


We are all bound to lose someone. Not everyone who stays will be there forever but you will find someone.

You will find someone who will make snarky remarks about and will roll your eyes at your lame jokes but will end up laughing at it, just to ride along with you and your lameness.

You will find someone who is willing to stay up all night, listening to you rant about everything from shitty people to that bad service at this one restaurant.

You will find someone who will go through a chick flick with you, no matter how cringe-worthy it is.

You will find someone who will give you hugs at random times, most especially when you’re feeling down.

You will find someone who will drink alcohol with you until you’re stumbling on your words and until you’re making no sense anymore.

You will find someone who will spoil you with chocolates when you have your period or when you’re feeling sad, then would laugh at you because you managed to finish the whole box in just one day.

You will find someone who is willing to go through the rain, and you will find someone who you’ll scold because he went through the rain just for you.

But then, you will also find someone who won’t laugh at your jokes anymore because he no longer feels like doing it.

You will find someone who will bid you good night in the middle of ranting about everything from shitty people to that bad service at this one restaurant, telling you to just get over it.

You will find someone who will go on his phone in the middle of movie night, and would spend the hour doing so.

You will find someone who will be the reason why you have been drinking and stumbling over your words until you make no sense anymore.

You will find someone who made you sad, making you eat that box of chocolates you’ve been storing in the cupboards.

You will find someone who will make you run away in the rain, because you’re hurt and you don’t mind getting sick anymore.

You’ll find someone over and over again, because that’s how the world works. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

READ THIS: Everything You Need To Know If You Want Love That Lasts by Sabrina Alexis


About the author

Marian Aurora

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