Mariam Zaher
Mariam is a yogi by day and a writer by night.
Articles by
Mariam Zaher
Maybe There Is No Magic Age Where You Finally Get Your Shit Together
We’re all pretending that we’re certain of where we go next, and while some of us actually get to go there, we’re all secretly insecure about our intuition anyway.
A Short List of People I Long To Experience
I’d like to get to know him – the human that turned away from humanity because he knows it will not live beyond this day.
A Series Of Spare Moments I Lived When I Decided To Stop Just Existing
I looked up from my phone and allowed life to take from me and give me what it had.
What They Dont Tell You About Forgiveness
They tell you to forgive the people that have hurt you.
An Exercise In Dissecting My Own Anxiety
And how many of us settle for trimming the weeds when we should be plucking out the roots?
I Write About People I Don’t Know
I wrote about you and what I’ve experienced through you. So little, seeming like a lot, so I wrote thinking I knew. I didn’t.
Don’t Settle For A Generic Life
This is the lie you keep forcing down your throat but can’t swallow, because you see it for what it really is; a false promise.
My Cat Is An Asshole
Current plans: Making the damn cat read Robert I. Sutton’s The No Asshole Rule
Date A Guy That Doesn’t Make You Feel Helpless
Date a man that doesn’t need to step all over your independency to assert his sense of manhood.
This Is What Depression Looks Like Because It Isn’t Just Tear-Stained Pillows And A Lost Appetite
My depression was not the inability to sleep; it was the inability to wake up.
An Open Letter To Creatives: Thank You
Know that it takes courage to share parts of your soul in a world that has grown scared of magic. But know that it gives back more courage than it takes.
You Forgot To Warn Me About The Guys With Hearts On Their Sleeves
He found poetry in the knots of my hair
And traced circles on my skin
She’d Rather Emotionally Detach Because She Can Only Trust Herself
She’s tired of people using her empathy as leverage to get whatever they want from her whenever they please.
Why Your New Year’s Resolution Will Fail Again Just Like It Failed Last Year
New Year’s resolutions are bullshit.
What I Learned From Going Paleo For A Year
Eventually, and after a year, I had reached the following conclusion: you don’t need to follow a trendy diet to be healthy.
To My Perfect Guy, I’m Sorry I’m Afraid To Give Us A Shot
I don’t want to risk losing you even if that means never actually having you.
Self-Love Comes In Waves
And for the first time since a time you couldn’t remember
You didn’t wish you were something else
I Hope You Never Have To Lose Your Home
I hope you never have to leave your home or taste the bitterness of injustice.