Funny Test Answers
Imgur / ElmosLawyer

30+ Funny Test Answers That Put The ‘Smart’ in ‘Smartass’

Children are evolving!!!


There isn’t much to laugh about concerning school, but some students just have such a hard time taking it seriously. Just read through these funny test answers, which are purely hilarious! These kids might not be getting an A in class anytime soon, but they sure do have an A+ in my heart.

1. Marcus is TOO strong

Imgur / davidehg

2. Forget this question, I have another


3. This kid already knows the ropes

Reddit / TheCons

4. The true meaning of PEMDAS

Twitter / Funny Test Answers

5. Things just got personal

Twitter / Funny Test Answers

6. When you can’t answer one question, just make up your own

Twitter / Funny Test Answers

7. Unfortunately true

Imgur / atkid007

8. Oh, the ironey

Imgur / stonewall92

9. Sorry, this isn’t a Beyoncé song

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

10. Well… is he wrong?

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

11. A plant cell

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

12. NO!

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

13. I mean, I won’t argue against that

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

14. It’s nuclear, but good try

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

15. Kids are getting smarter!

Imgur / ElmosLawyer

16. Ice, ice baby

Imgur / halfricantrombone

17. I feel like I should be offended…

Imgur / halfricantrombone

18. If you’re not a pro, you’re a noob

Imgur / halfricantrombone

19. That awkward moment when the right answer isn’t even on the test

Imgur / halfricantrombone

20. You never asked for the most ETHICAL solution…

Imgur / halfricantrombone

21. Creativity at its finest

Imgur / halfricantrombone

22. Okay but how old is this child???

Imgur / halfricantrombone


Imgur / halfricantrombone

24. Just a little wordplay…

Imgur / AyumiMimiko

25. An honest answer

Imgur / jennahopkins

26. Well, I’m speechless…

Imgur / jennahopkins

27. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen

Imgur / jennahopkins

28. Correct but not very nice :(

Imgur / jennahopkins

29. This, my friends, is America’s future

Imgur / jennahopkins

30. He’s my favorite hue, too

Imgur / jennahopkins

31. Called OUT

Tumbr / jpopvevo

32. I mean, I would’ve counted that as correct

Tumblr / beccabooha

33. A true visionary

Tumblr / bittersweet-vainity

Kids just say the darndest things. Thought Catalog Logo Mark