You Showed Me A Kind Of Love I Never Expected

Tanja Heffner
Tanja Heffner

I never expected a love like this.

Truth is, I never expected a love like this. A love that is so powerful and true that you can’t escape it.

Meeting you was fate. It’s not according to my plan. It wasn’t like as if the first time I met you, you swept me off my feet.

Meeting you that day was genuine. It was pure.

I never expected that I will fall in love with you, because it wasn’t really the ideal time for us to be together.

I was broken, you were too.

Some thinks that it’s the worst time for us..

Even if it’s not the perfect time for them, it is the right time for us and You are the right person for me.

It is the Right time.

I never expected a love like this.

A love so genuine and true, not even big fights can make me doubt it.

A love that is patient and secured that I never have to fear that you’ll give up.

A love with so much fire and passion that instead of burning me, it warms me.

A love that brings me comfort and security that never lets me face my monsters alone.

A love that is enduring that stands beyond time.

A love that is nurturing that lets me grow.

A love that understands every pain I’ve felt.

A love that trusts me.

A love that believes in me and my dreams no matter how petty or unrealistic it may seem.

A love that reassures me everyday that I am loved and I am beyond blessed.

A love that reminds me how much our God loves me.

A love that never gets tired of telling me his dreams for me.

A love that builds my dream house and our future family.

A love that can never hurt me intentionally.

A love that is sure.

You became my eyes when I don’t want to wake up. You are my ears when I refuse to listen.

You are my strength when I am weak.

Thank you Sweetie, for your hand that never gets tired of reaching out to me.
Your voice that never falters when I needed it the most.
Your warmth that never left me in my coldest nights. Your love that transcends all the past relationship I had.

And lastly, for being you.

Thank you.

Now, I realize why I never expected a love like this.

it’s because I wasn’t expecting someone like you.

About the author

Margaux Balaoing

I write under the stars.

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