19 GIFs That Perfectly Capture The Experience Of Being Home For The Holidays

1. How You Run Into People You Hated From High School At The Local Mall

    Source: Giphy

2. Being Excited About All The Free Laundry

    Source: Giphy

3. How You Have Sex/Masturbate

    Source: Giphy

4. How You Wake Up When People Burst Into Your Room At 6:30am

    Source: Giphy

5. When There’s No Cable AND The Internet Is Too Slow For Netflix/Torrenting

    Source: Giphy

6. When You Have To Bring The Family Car Back By 9pm

    Source: Giphy

7. When You Tell Mom Your Boyfriend Is Sleeping In The Same Bed As You


8. How You Realize Your Old Bed Is Too Small


9. Your Face When Your Family Asks When You’re Moving Closer To Home


10. How You Look In Your Prom Pictures

    Source: Giphy

11. How Your Grandmother Criticizes Your Weight And Your Clothes And Your Nails And Your Hair

    Source: Giphy

12. How You “Work” From Home Over The Holidays

    Source: Giphy

13. How You Look When Mom Has Your Favorite Meal Cooked As Soon As You Arrive

    Source: Giphy

14. Each And Every Time A Family Member Asks “Well What Are You Going To Do With A Degree In Art”?

    Source: Giphy

15. When A Person Says Something Racist

    Source: Giphy

16. You When A Family Fight/Argument Breaks Out

    Source: Giphy

17. What You Think About When Your Aunt Who Doesn’t Know You’re Gay Asks How Your “Roommate” Shaun Is Doing

    Source: Giphy

18. When Your Grandparents Ask When You Will Give Them Grandkids

    Source: Giphy

19. You The Day Before Your Flight Back To Where You Really Live

    Source: Giphy

Going home for the holidays is always amazing. You know you appreciate it more because you don’t have to live there! When it’s all said and done, though, you miss seeing your family, having home cooked meals and all that free laundry. You’re so excited to come back in a few months! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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