I Hope You Find What You’re Looking For

I hope you look in the mirror and realize that you are capable of curating the kind of life that sparks something within you.


I hope you find what you’re looking for. I hope it’s everything you dreamed your life could be and so much more.

I hope you find external happiness.

I hope warm rays of sunshine peek through your blinds in the early morning; I hope you savor the sweet aroma of opportunity. I hope you hum lullabies of the sweet sea.

I hope you taste magic in your morning coffee. I hope you carry a pen and paper to sketch words of wisdom and passionate, powerful prose. I hope you stare at the shoreline and appreciate artistic values of the physical world. I hope you walk across the beach and feel the grains of sand rub against your feet. I hope you tiptoe across the heated beads. I hope you inhale peace. I hope you exhale pure joy.

I hope you find internal happiness.

I hope you create self-love. I hope passion runs through your veins and you bask in the glory of a golden age. I hope you foster courage to find what you deeply crave in life. I hope you look in the mirror and realize that you are capable of curating the kind of life that sparks something within you. I hope you sit next to the campfire at night and rub together wooden sticks. Watch them sizzle — natural electricity. Passion sparks purpose. Purpose ignites life.

I hope you find your fairytale.

I hope you find the type of love that inspires you to become a better person. I hope you search for the one who is your favorite person. I hope you find someone who shows you how deep you can love.

I hope you learn to move on from the past.

I hope you accept that you are exactly where you need to be. I hope you understand the past was a learning experience. I hope your past empowers you. I hope you embrace the unknown territory ahead, for you are the maker of your own destiny.

I hope you find yourself.

I hope you learn to prioritize yourself, how to embrace the journey you are on. I hope that you are proud of yourself. I hope that you smile at your reflection. I hope you never stop believing in yourself.

I hope you find it. Thought Catalog Logo Mark