Netflix And Kill: 20 Awesome Horror Movies To Watch On Date Night

Mr. Jones

Mr. Jones
Mr. Jones

Scott and Penny put their lives on hold to make a nature documentary in the secluded wilderness. Things go bad when the project doesn’t turn out as well as they’d hoped, and they go even worse when they come across the works of mysterious, elusive artist Mr. Jones.

We Are What We Are

We Are What We Are
We Are What We Are

The Parkers are a very close family. Because what draws a family closer together than a terrible, horrible secret? Ancient traditions and isolation make this film a chilling experience indeed.

Wes Craven’s New Nightmare

Wes Craven's New Nightmare
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare

Who wouldn’t want to live in a world where we get both Robert Englund AND Freddy Kreuger? This delightfully meta movie explores the idea that the actors who portray characters in the “Nightmare On Elm Street” saga are haunted IRL by the monster they thought existed only on the screen.


About the author

M.J. Pack

Horror writer for Creepy Catalog, ESFP, Kylo Ren advocate, Slytherin, sassbasket.

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