Lizz Schumer

Articles by
Lizz Schumer

This Is What Perfectionism Looks Like

There’s a Chinese proverb, “Keep always the edge of hunger” that I’ve kept in my locker, my cubicle wall, the edges of notebooks and my mind. I stay hungry for the next story, the next byline, the next book deal, the next perfectly polished stone word.

I Can’t Tell You What To Learn In Your 20s

My path isn’t yours. I can’t tell you what you should have learned in your 20s, because I’m still learning. I can’t tell you what I wished I knew in college, because we didn’t have the same journey, and we won’t. We can’t.

Looking Hardship In The Face

I was the girl who laughed at A Walk to Remember. When Nicole Kidman coughed up blood in Moulin Rouge, I giggled as my friends reached for the tissues. I laughed because I couldn’t cry.