Here’s What To Do When You Think Of Going Back To Him

When you think of going back, start writing a novel, or a song, or film a movie or paint a canvas. Throw yourself into art, because art makes people crazy, and if you are trying to go back, you are too sane to realize how crazy life is when you stop trying to recreate the…


Olga Ferrer Saladié
Olga Ferrer Saladié

When you think of going back,
research all of the recipes you never got to make
and go to the grocery store and buy all of the ingredients.
Make sure the majority of the ingredients are fresh produce,
because if you have to use the produce before it goes bad,
you’ll focus on using the produce and not
using them.

When you think of going back,
sign up for a triathlon or a marathon or even a 5K
and make sure you sign up with a friend
because if your friend is counting on you to be there for training
and for the day of the race,
you’ll focus your time on getting in shape
and not shaping your life around them.

When you think of going back,
begin your spring cleaning early
clean out your closet, donate your clothes,
and buy new magazines for inspiration
then go shopping.
buy clothing that is drastically different than your old clothing
because if you have to spend your time learning
how to wear a new style
you won’t spend your time trying to use old clothing
to impress someone who knew your closet by heart.

When you think of going back,
contact a one night stand.
They’ll get back to you immediately.
Even if you have no intention of being anything more
than friends with them,
their attention to you will be every distraction you need
and all the confidence to remember how it feels to be wanted
instead of trying to forget what it’s like to be used.

When you think of going back,
start writing a novel, or a song, or film a movie or paint a canvas
throw yourself into art, because art makes people crazy,
and if you are trying to go back, you are too sane to realize how
crazy life is when you stop trying to recreate
the past and start creating
a colorful future.

When you think of going back,
create a home bar for yourself.
Coffee or alcohol, choose your vice.
Study the flavors and learn the combinations
because once you do this with liquids,
you’ll start to do this with people
and suddenly, your expired combination of a person
won’t seem so fascinating anymore
because you will be so indulged
in the new tastes you’ve discovered.

When you think of going back,
Don’t listen to self-help articles
that say traveling doesn’t cure anything.
Traveling will cure everything.
You can go three miles away or you can go three-thousand,
but whatever you do, get away.
How can you expect to prevent your instincts
if you are too close?

When you think of going back,

don’t think of going back. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Liz Rae

Entrepreneur traveling the world and writing about her escapades.