The World Is Bigger Than Your Problems

you can live one hell of a life by changing the lives of others


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It is no secret that
we live in a world where people do things for display

they post statements for likes
take photos for proof
snaps for views
Tweets for attention

all in hopes that someone will see it,
and think they are living one hell of a life

you can live one hell of a life
by changing the lives of others
you can change the world by stepping outside of your own
the world is much larger than your simple problems,
and when you step outside of your own bubble
and into someone else’s,
you will find that there is so much more to be learned

you can live one hell of a life by
forgoing your selfish desires
by finding a passion behind compassion
by meaning what you say
by saying what you mean in person
by filling your time with happiness
by spending your money on others
by living each day to be the change in someone else’s life
you are so powerful,
and you don’t even realize it

you don’t need to do anything for someone else’s validation
and you don’t need to speak up to be heard
silence is just as powerful
and actions are your weapons

This world is so large, and
your problems are just small pebbles
in an avalanche of mountainous rocks that are tumbling all around.
You can stop the avalanches, if you tried. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Liz Rae

Entrepreneur traveling the world and writing about her escapades.