15 Men Discuss The Difference Between Sex With A Younger And Older Woman

"It's no secret among my buddies that older women are better at sex. They're better at flirting too. They're pretty much better at everything."



1. “Older women are better at sex, hands down. There is no question, at all. They know their bodies, they aren’t squeamish about ‘what this means’ and they know what they want.”

— Marcus, 25


2. “I’ve been with a couple of women my age that were pretty crazy in bed but the ones that have really blown my mind have all been over 35. One was divorced and one, well, wasn’t, but both of them were hungry for it in a way that college women and women in their 20s just aren’t.”

— Nathan, 27


3. “I’ve only been with one woman who was what you might call older and she was 41. Awesome in bed but not awesome to look at. I was 18 at the time though so I was just excited to be there. Definitely dated girls my own age after that.”

— Arnold, 21


4. “I’m 45, being frank about this feels a bit weird but it is definitely true that women feel differently about sex as they get older. When I was in college I had sexual relationships with women who are now my wife’s age and they had sex with the same awesome abandon that my wife now does. Having said that, my wife, while not cold at all when we first got married, has definitely been more into sex as she’s gotten older. So, that just seems to be how it is.”

— Keith, 45


5. “I’ve been hooking up off and on with a woman who used to be my boss over the last couple of years. Basically whenever I’m single. She’s divorced, has no desire to get married and just wants to have fun. Best oral game ever, doesn’t treat it like a chore, isn’t constantly giving me ‘romance eyes’ while she’s going down on me. A+, over all.”

— Joe, 25


6. “Younger women want to feel pretty, older women want to get off and get you off. That’s the difference.”

— David, 33


7. “I’ve been with one woman who was 10 years older than me at the time. I’m glad I did it but I prefer women my own age. I’d like to have something to talk about afterwards.”

— Chris, 28


8. “It’s no secret among my buddies that older women are better at sex. They’re better at flirting too. They’re pretty much better at everything.”

— Joshua, 23


9. “Older women understand that it doesn’t have to mean something every time you have sex and they don’t care as much about the circumstances around it. I’ve dated a couple of older women and while both liked romantic things they didn’t require it as a pretense before sex. You weren’t renting them.”

— Eric, 26


10. “Older women call you when they want you. Younger women call you when they want you to want them.”

— Arthur,


11. “When I was 22 I hooked up with a woman who was 35. She rocked me out. We’re married now, lol. So, yeah, that’s how they are in bed.”

— Robert, 25


12. “45-year-old man, here. Women my age are wonderful but, well, 45 is when things start breaking down for everyone so you do the math. Sleeping with older women when you’re in your 20s might be a real wake up call, sexually, but when you’re getting older, women younger than you start looking better and better.”

— Rick, 45


13. “My favorite thing about the relationships with the older women I’ve been with was not having to have some immediate answer about how I felt about them the next morning. I’ve never been with an older woman who tried to force a relationship where there wasn’t one and at the same time if they want a relationship they let you know up front instead of acting like they’re just ‘chill girl’ and being mad later.”

— Jeremiah, 24


14. “Older women are better at the dirty talk. Oh, they’re also better at sex. I remember telling my current gf (my age) that once after she pried it out of me. She got so mad.”

— Peter, 25


15. “I have one particular woman to thank for ironing out my sex game when I was in my early 20s. She was great and was able to tell me exactly what to do to make her cum. Up until then, all the women I’d been with had been my age and had either been unable or unwilling to tell me what they liked. After this older woman and I stopped hooking up I realized I’d basically became a god in the sack for my age group. Believe me, word got out.”

— Garth, 30 Thought Catalog Logo Mark