Take Your Failures And Use Them To Fuel Your New Beginning
Your strength does not lie within the moments where you feel that you are at your strongest, but instead, your strength lies in the moments where you feel that you are at your weakest.
I have failed many times. I have entered into situations, wide-eyed and filled with hope, only to find that it would end up being the exact opposite of what I had anticipated.
I have cracked under pressure, become weak and vulnerable, and felt completely defeated against all odds.
During those times, each of those moments felt like they would be the end of me. It felt like the last straw, like I would never get up again, like I was at the end of my rope. But with each failure, I rose. Slowly, but surely, I rose. And slowly but surely, I regained my strength and came back stronger than before.
As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.”
Your strength does not lie within the moments where you feel that you are at your strongest, but instead, your strength lies in the moments where you feel that you are at your weakest. Your strength comes when you need it the most. These are the moments that define you. These are the moments that build character.
Whatever you may be going through, just know that this is not the end, but only the beginning. It’s only the beginning of a journey that will unravel once you have surpassed the hardships and ended up on the other side to see how far you have come.
Our failures are not our end, but our becoming.
Take your failures and use them to fuel your fire. Use them to get better, to try harder, to be stronger, and to know that you cannot be broken.
I have failed many times, but I have not given up and you shouldn’t either. What you may see as a dead end may really be a doorway.
Life is not a straight line. It is not consistent. It is an ebb and flow of the failures and successes that come. And we must just go with it.