I Hope You Remember That Sad Days Don’t Last Forever

It’s okay.

It’s okay to have sad days. It’s okay to have days where your heart feels sad and heavy. It’s okay if you have days when your heart physically hurts, sometimes to the point where you wonder if it will cave in. It’s okay if you have days when you’re unable to explain what you’re feeling. It’s okay if sadness sits in your chest, and you don’t know what to do about it. It’s okay if you find yourself crying in the shower, your chest heaving, and you don’t understand why.

It’s okay to allow yourself to feel.

It’s okay that you are unable to provide an explanation that satisfies the people around you.

It’s okay that you need to shut off the world for a little while, just so you can clear your mind.

It’s okay that you faltered and stumbled.

It’s okay that you feel lost.

It’s okay. You are allowed to feel sad, just as much as you are allowed to feel happy.

But can we do something about these sad days?

I hope you remember that these sad days won’t last forever. As heavy and directionless as everything may feel, you will find that light. You will find your path, and you will find that clarity.

I hope you remember that you are allowed to feel happy. As foreign as it may sound to you, I hope that you remember that. Even if it’s over the little things like a fresh batch of cotton candy or the accomplishment of getting recognized for your work, you are allowed to feel happy.

Because in the midst of sadness, there will also be the days where your heart feels so full. There will be days when you feel overwhelmingly happy, sometimes to the point where you feel you’re about to burst. There will be days when you can laugh like you actually mean it. There will be days when you allow the love you have for life, and the love the people around you have for you, shines through.

I hope you remember that you can survive through both the happy days and the off days. I hope you remember that you are not alone. I hope you will learn to open up to the people in your life without feeling guilty for doing so.

I hope you remember that the sad days won’t last forever. I hope you remember to keep the faith. I hope you remember that even on the bad days, there are many reasons to live. I hope you remember that you will get through this. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lily Low

On a quest to make the world better and brighter through her words.