You Will Get Through This Season Of Life That You Are In

I know it’s difficult. I know how tiring it can be. It could be the long hours at a job you’re supposed to love, the unexplainable loss of motivation that you feel, the lack of passion for the life you are living right now. You could be going through the loss of a loved one in your life, a broken friendship or relationship, or you may just be feeling lost about what the next step in your life should be.

I know. All these that you are going through feels heavy, dark, and never-ending. It feels as though you will never be able to push through what you are going through to your goals. You are filled with unanswered questions, frustration, and overall despair at everything that has been happening.

I understand. It has no doubt been a difficult time. Sometimes you wish you could just disappear for a little while just to forget this is the hell you wake up to everyday.

Everything feels uncertain, lost, and pointless.

But know this: You will get through this season of life that you are in.

There is a lyric in RM’s Everything Goes that says, “Just like the night leaves and the morning comes, the spring leaves and summer comes.” Everything has its season, its timing, and it will not be your forever.

He follows up this line with, “Just like the flower wilts and the fruit grows ripe, everything needs to go through pain.” As hard as it is to believe right now, there is a reason for everything that you are going through. It is painful, but it also signifies immense growth. It is difficult, but you will be stronger than who you were before. It is chaotic, but you will meet the calm later.

But all in all, everything goes. This shall pass.

You will get through this season of life that you are in. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lily Low

On a quest to make the world better and brighter through her words.