You Are More Than What The World Says You Are

You are more than what the world says you are.

You are more than that qualification you are pursuing.

You are more than the job you are working at.

You are more than the hurt you’ve been through.

You are more than the pain you are going through.

You are more than what your mental health says you are.

You are more than what your mental health drives you to.

You are more than your thoughts.

You are more than just your dreams.

You are more than the boxes society tries to place you in. You are more than where you’re from, your religion, your skin color, your gender identity.

You are more than the labels. You are more than your success. You are more than your failures or that trophy or that bonus.

You may not feel like yourself when you’re within your storm, but you are still you. You still have a say in how you choose to respond to the people around you. You still are in control of who you want to be as a person. You have character. You have the choice to choose kindness over hatred. You have the choice to persevere in place of wallowing in the midst of your negativity. You can choose to make light of the darkness you feel.

You are more than what the world says you are, because you are made up of so much more.

You are love; you are light. You have the choice to embrace your story. You have the choice to welcome sadness when it comes and see it off as it goes. You have the choice to treat the people in your life with love.

When you feel as though the walls around you are tumbling down, know that this is not your forever. You are not defined by what you are going through. Rather, you will be remembered for how you choose to react to what you are going through.

You are more than what the world says you are. I hope you know that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lily Low

On a quest to make the world better and brighter through her words.