Read This When You Feel Tired Of Everything

Read This When You Feel Tired Of Everything

To the one who feels tired of everything,

Let’s first get this out of the way: it is okay that you are feeling this way. It is completely valid to feel tired. It is okay to feel that you lack the strength to go forward. It is okay to question the point in trying. It is okay that you don’t feel the same motivation you had in the beginning. It is all okay.

It is okay that you feel stuck. It is okay that you feel uncertainty. It is okay that you feel this way, this is all part of being human.

It is okay to feel frustrated when you have yet to accomplish your goals. It is okay to feel that you can’t, and you need to take that step back. It is okay to feel emotions other than happiness. It is okay to talk about what you feel. It is okay to let your walls down to the people you trust. It is okay to feel hurt, it is okay to feel pain. It is okay that you want to stay in bed for the day. It is okay that you take that step back to care for yourself.

It is okay.

But do you know what is not okay?

It is not okay if you question your worth based on your performance. It is not okay if you degrade who you are for giving yourself a break. It is not okay to hurl verbal abuse at yourself when you wouldn’t to anyone else in your situation. It is not okay to pretend everything is fine when you feel it is not. It is not okay to keep it all to yourself when you know that talking it out will help you. It is not okay to hide behind your responsibilities to avoid the real problem.

It is okay to take a break. It is okay to feel tired about everything.

But it is not okay to allow yourself to stay that way.

It is not okay to believe that you are broken. Beauty does not come from being broken, but rather, beauty comes from what you choose to do with the broken pieces.

It is not okay to believe you are a lost cause. You have tried before, and you will one day try again.

To the one that feels tired of everything,

Know that it is okay to feel this way, but it is not okay to stay this way. Know that you are running this race at your own pace, and not the pace the world tells you to. Know that even when you think no one understands, you are not alone. Before anything and anyone else, you owe it to yourself to get through this. Know that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

About the author

Lily Low

On a quest to make the world better and brighter through her words.