Tinder Is Trying To Prove They Aren’t Just For Hooking Up

In response to Vanity Fair’s recent article, “Tinder and the Dawn of the ‘Dating Apocalypse,’” Tinder posted numerous tweets defending their app’s mission.

Tinder feels strongly about claims the article made. They even tweeted at the author.

Tinder even backed up their tweets with research and evidence.

And they are clearly unafraid to call out the author for misleading information.

You’re probably starting to feel bad for Nancy…

But Tinder is very disappointed…

Tinder is about ‘experiences.’

They don’t deny that, yes, some users hookup, but people use the app for various reasons.

And Tinder is certain that hookups existed before their app was created.

People are looking for meaningful connections.

Tinder is also multi-cultural.

People even make friends on Tinder!

Tinder is about togetherness, not just hooking up. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Lily Hunter

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