This Adorable Toothless Rescue Dog Is The Cutest Thing On Instagram!

Everyone meet Toast! Toast is quite possibly the cutest thing on Instagram right now! She is a King Charles puppy mill rescue, and thank the doggy heavens because she is absolutely adorable! What makes Toast truly special is that she has no teeth, which makes her all the more lovable!

Toast never lets it rain on her parade!

She’s all about soaking up the sun!

She’s the ultimate diva, who enjoys a little relaxation.

And she loves making new friends, no matter their size!

She appreciates all types of animals!

Including turtles.

She is even well educated, quite the scholar.

Everyone loves a dog who is well read.

Shout out to Katy Perry, Toast is a fan!

She is the best at impersonations.

She’s not afraid to do what she wants, and break some rules.

She also has a great sense of humor.

But don’t piss her off because she can kick some butt.

Just kidding! Toast wouldn’t hurt a fly!

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Lily Hunter

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