16 People Reveal The Worst Responses They’ve Gotten After Telling Someone ‘I Love You’
1. Seen: 11:41 AM
– Terboh
2. K.
3. “Awww”
4. You’re like a brother/sister to me.
5. “I Know”
6. I love me too.
7. You’re sweet
8. No, you’re infatuated with me. You’re too young to know what love is.
– MacyC3
9. “Just sign the paper…”
10. I’m hungry, lets get something to eat.
11. I ran away when my boyfriend said it for the first time.
12. You too…
– _HERO_
13. [HEAVY SIGH] I know, you told me yesterday!
14. First time I told my ex, she said “We have to be careful with that word”.
15. Silence
16. Prove it.