15 Single Girls Reveal What Turns Them Off About Guys They Meet In Bars

Flickr / Kevin Dooley
Flickr / Kevin Dooley

Found on r/AskReddit

1. A dumb hat.


Source: Giphy

2. Perhaps this is too obvious but I look for a ring of any kind


Source: Giphy

3. Body language and facial expressions. You can tell if he’s a douche or not by the way he acts around his friends and other women.


Source: Giphy

4. If he is too drunk, stares too hard or has a leering smile, he’s a NOPE.


Source Giphy

5. Pink Hollister T. God. No.


Source: Giphy

6.Running shoes with jeans. I don’t mean casual sneakers or whatever, i mean the ones you’d run in.


Source: Giphy

7. That one guy that always has to be right. Even when confronted with evidence saying they are wrong. These arrogant asses can jump down a well.


Source: Giphy

8. If he’s shorter than me. I know that seems shallow but you asked!


Source: Giphy

9. Eccentric mustaches and soul patches. Especially in combo. Earrings, we all know those are not fucking diamonds (as someone else already said, jewelry is very tricky). T-shirts that are one size too small to tell everyone you go to the gym. Telling everyone how much you go to the gym. And stupid message shirts like “what part of … don’t you understand” or “I only drink beer on days that end in ‘y'” ect. And let’s all not forget my favorite, tribal tattoos.


Source: Giphy

10. Guys that just stare at you the whole night. I think it’s cute when a guy catches your eye a few times and then approaches you. But don’t stare at me the whole night like a creep and never come up and approach me.


Source: Giphy

11. If he has his shirt tucked in, but isn’t wearing a belt. It’s not that big of a deal, I’m sure, but it is my biggest fashion pet peeve.


Source: Giphy

12. Ed Harley anything


Source: Giphy

13. This isn’t hard. Just be nice, polite, and never do anything even a little questionable. Women will pick up on it and you’ll find someone compatible.

– [–]anonymous

Source: Giphy

14. Crazy overgrown eyebrows. Seriously, we have the internet learn how to tame those beasts already.


Source: Giphy

15. Guys in Tshirts, is it really that hard to put on a button-down shirt over it? Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Source: Giphy

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Lily Hunter

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