9 Catch-22s That Prove Life Isn’t Fair
I borrowed Catch-22 from the library once. When I'd finished they wouldn't let me return it because my library card had expired and wouldn't scan in the system.
By Lily Hunter
Found on r/AskReddit
1. I borrowed Catch-22 from the library once. When I’d finished they wouldn’t let me return it because my library card had expired and wouldn’t scan in the system.
– zomskii
2. Get money from life insurance. Am dead.
3. I need a car to get a job.
I need a job to get a car.
4. I want to save to buy a home, but my rent is so expensive that I have to live paycheck-to-paycheck.
5. When I lose my glasses and I can’t find them because I can’t see.
6. Having to take a dump when you’re out for a run…run faster to get home sooner, but risk jostling your stomach to the point of shitting your pants. Literally a “shitty” catch 22
– csonny2
7. Bored when I drink, drink when I’m bored.
8. Cat loves fish, cat hates water :( cat’s 22
9. I’m unhappy because I eat, and I eat because I’m unhappy.
– CD_4M