Liberty Rodriguez

I love pancakes, my two cats, and I believe happiness is a choice.

Articles by
Liberty Rodriguez

Take Me Back To The Beginning

Take me back to the start. To the days when you would wish me sweet dreams and say good morning every single day without fail. When you never forgot about me, no matter what happened throughout your adventures.

If You Were Still Here

If you were still here, there are so many songs you would absolutely adore, and there is so much dancing we would do.

A Love Letter To My Younger Self

I love you and the bangs that you cut for yourself in the mirror because you wanted to hide your scar. I love that little scar and the indent on your cheek and your dimple.

Perfection Is A Concept, Not A Reality

Perfection means that any judgment we’ve made is entirely subjective and therefore imperfect. Between endless reworking in the pursuit of something better, you often never finish it.