Kinga Cichewicz

When You Have Been Disappointed By Love

When you have been disappointed by love, you learn that the only person you can truly depend on is yourself.


When you have been disappointed by love, you learn that being single is not the worst thing in the world.

You learn that time does not heal all wounds and that recovery is not linear. You decide that it’s better to be by yourself than being stuck in a toxic relationship that disrespects you. You put yourself as a priority instead of being an option to someone else. You learn to build yourself up instead of depending on love to validate you.

When you have been disappointed by love, you learn that you need to heal and focus on your well-being. You have fallen in love as many times as you have been heartbroken. If love is the magical feeling that makes you feel on top of the world, then heartbreak is when you hit rock bottom devoid of all hope and light.

When you have been disappointed by love, you get consumed by self-blame and insecurity that you must be the cause of it. You start to believe that you don’t deserve love, and maybe you’re better off alone. You feel resentful when you compare yourself to your friends and others who have smooth-sailing relationships.

When you have been disappointed by love, you realize that you cannot go on your old ways of getting into relationships that lead to nowhere. You acknowledge that while a breakup may feel like the worst thing to happen, it is bringing you to a better place in the long-term. The lessons that you learn will allow you to grow and emerge stronger.

When you have been disappointed by love, you learn that the only person you can truly depend on is yourself. You become your best friend and soulmate, ready to take on any challenges ahead of you. You strongly believe in self-love and indulge in self-care as you know that the best relationship of your life is with yourself.

When you have been disappointed by love, you know what kind of partner you need, and you refuse to settle. You want certainty in commitment and you do not want to waste your time on causal dating. You’re happy with your current life, and you promise yourself to only get into a relationship with someone who makes you happier and more fulfilled.

When you have been disappointed by love, relationship scares you. You think of the effort and time needed to get over a breakup, and you never want to go through that again. You’re terrified of letting someone in and having your heart shattered in the aftermath. You no longer believe that love is worth its price.

When you have been disappointed by love, you become perfectly fine by yourself. You still dream of meeting the love of your life one day. You believe in love just that you’re unconvinced it will happen to you. You want to fall in love, but it is no longer your ultimate goal.

When you have been disappointed by love, you cherish how precious and miraculous love is. You’re excited at the limitless possibilities that the future holds. Whether you will be falling in love in the foreseeable future or being by yourself, you know that you’re making good progress and you’re enough.