Promise Me You’ll Stay

Adrian Sava
Adrian Sava

baby, please
break me
take my hand
and hold it
so fucking
that it bleeds
through yours

pull me close
no — closer
until you hear
my ribs
and fall apart
like the way
we did

kiss me —
don’t pull away
destroy me
until you
the metallic flavor
of blood
from my lips

make me
so fucking loud
until you hear
the deafening
that has been
killing me
since the day
you left

baby, please
hold me
love me
tear me apart
break my bones
the way you broke
my heart

go ahead
push me away
rip out my veins —
just promise
you’d stay

i don’t care
if you’re
the fire
that’ll burn me
to the ground

because, maybe
just maybe —
when I’m in ashes
you’d finally
stick around. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Leila Rufino

I’m Leila & I like to pretend that I can write.

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