33 Definite Signs This Isn’t Your Soul’s First Life
1. You have more friends that are older than you
2. The way you engage in conflict is not like someone who is in junior high would
3. You are the friend everyone goes to for advice
4. You’ve always admired big words and a large vocabulary
5. You have your own opinions on things and don’t let others persuade you
6. You don’t actively try to fit in with your peers
7. Sometimes even adults or your parents ask you for your wisdom or input
8. You like learning new things
9. You can’t stay in the same space for too long
10. You aren’t stuck on one religion, you’ve been around long enough to understand there are love and truth in things we aren’t even aware of yet
11. You love in a graceful way
12. You crave new understanding
13. You feel the importance of deep connection
14. You think it’s silly when people act like they know everything for certain
15. You don’t let small things ruin friendships
16. You know the importance of alignment
17. You aren’t fixated on having one career and one career only
18. You feel connected to nature
19. You know how crucial mindfulness is
20. You are able to be present in almost any situation
21. You know your needs
22. You know your boundaries
23. You feel empathy for absolutely everything
24. You keep a journal
25. Babies and animals especially like you
26. You pay attention to what you feed your body
27. You practice gratitude daily
28. You have a really open mind
29. You are very light-hearted
30. You really honor your own and everyone else’s individual experience
31. You know you are small compared to everything this world is made up of
32. You have a very close relationship to your faith
33. You constantly have deja vu