Leah Wald

I’m the founder of Entrepreneurial Origins, and I love 1940s jazz, great business, true friends, genuine laughter & real love.

Articles by
Leah Wald

How Confronting My Fears Head On Finally Brought Me Peace

When I was 20, a burglar broke into my home while I was there alone, house-sitting for my parents. I was diagnosed with PTSD from the experience and the slightest noises at night would bring about a panic attack. Only now, over six years later, am I able to get a full night’s sleep.

How Love Will Always Outshine Hate

Remember that the most important attribute for longevity in a relationship is patience and that a measure of a good relationship is not just how well you get along, but how well you can resolve your differences.

What True Friendship Really Looks Like

True friends come together and bond over common interests, shared history, common value-systems, and honorable relational equality. And, when times are tough, they won’t limit your interactions to guac, margaritas, and superficial conversations.

How Being Vulnerable Will Ultimately Lead You To Love

When you are standing with your significant other completely in the buff it can be the truest sense of vulnerability. Nudity can feel lonely, small, provocative, defenseless, untouched, raw, beautiful, and very human all at once.