Let’s Be Bored Together Forever


When you grow tired of partying every weekend
When you grow tired of hungovers on Sunday mornings
When you get sick of waking up alone or next to someone you have nothing in common with When you get sick of your same old routine
When you realize that Life is just boring
Remember me.
When you grow tired of chasing the wrong people
When you grow tired of empty feelings and compromises
When you realize that there’s something more worth trying
I will be here.
And you’ll feel good
You’ll feel whole
You’ll feel like you’re special again.
You won’t mind boredom
You’ll enjoy the little things
Because you feel alive with me.
When you are ready to step out of your comfort zone
Come and ask me to share this lifetime with you
As a friend, as a confidante, as your loyal companion
As a caring lover
Let’s brighten up the next 50+ years we have left
Let’s make forever seem like Heaven
Let’s intertwine our bodies and souls
Let’s breathe
Let’s rest
Let’s be bored to death together
And fall happily into oblivion. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Laurie Botte

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