Lauren Suval

New poetry collection, Never Far Behind. Details in bio. 💙💜

What Happens When We Don’t Get Closure

When we’re in a situation that doesn’t lend itself to the closure we desire — when it becomes unattainable — we have no choice but to find it within ourselves.

The Other Brooklyn I Knew

Brooklyn has so much to offer. But. I do have to pause slightly. Just slightly. Because while it’s kind of cool just how ‘hip’ Brooklyn has become, it’s not the Brooklyn I’m too familiar with.

The Gilmore Way: A Year In The Life

The last four words — four words that Amy had in mind at the show’s conception — are poetic, solidifying the connection between Rory and Lorelai; echoing the sentiment that Rory will follow in her mother’s footsteps; assuring us that one can always go home, wherever or whoever home may be.

The Winter In The West Village

He said we should come back again as my head rested on his shoulder, and the train moved along the track, back to Long Island. Further and further away from our wintry weekend in the West Village.

7 Spectacular Things Summer Has Me Daydreaming About

Summer has me daydreaming about my childhood; lightening bugs that glow and sparklers that excite and amusement parks that feature crazy rides and log flumes and firecracker popsicles that drip down my mouth in the messiest of fashions.

What I Remember With Him

I remember the personal conversations. Our parallel lives. Those who were responsible for the empty spaces in our hearts.

The Artist

He had an artist’s temperament, she said. A creative mind.

We Didn’t Have Time For Adulthood

Teenage girls were scattered on the carpet in sleeping bags. Whispering. Story-telling when the lights went out. Breakfast in the morning featured Cinnabons and sleepy eyes. Crust in the corners. Naps when we got home.