You Make Me Feel Like The Start Of September

couple standing on brown grass field near tall trees at daytime
Pablo Heimplatz / Unsplash

I always say that fall is a feeling. It’s a feeling that is hard to describe. But it’s a feeling we always need. It’s a feeling not too different from the love that we seek in our relationships. A love that is hard to describe, but we all need. And I think that’s why although we met in the summer, we fell in love in the fall.

Whizzing in with the brisk breezes of September comes a new beginning. A new start that returns to us each year, and replenishes our confidence.

The confidence to be our best selves, to share the best of ourselves with others. It is a time of transition, of reincarnation, of self-actualization. To me, you felt like the start of September. You were my fresh start.

Every year, the earth repaints itself a beautiful backdrop of yellows, oranges, and reds. The same way you brushed my soul with the warm feelings of comfort and embrace. You brought me into your world, you held me close, like a scarf wrapped around your neck, or a sweater hugging your shoulders. Now my heart is alive with the colors of fall because of you.

As the leaves start to glow in preparation for the grand molting, the ground starts to flower with the sweet fruits of the fall harvest. It’s a beautiful paradox of shedding the pieces of our lives that are no longer of use to us while fostering the growth of new beginnings. You were my fall paradox, you were the embodiment of harvesting the good in life and sharing the sweetness with everyone around you. You showed me how to forget the things in my past that held me back from becoming a better person. You taught me the same lessons fall tries teach us all.

But fall is not forever, winter always follows. And with winter comes the long, dark nights blustering their bitter snow storms. So with you, I was waiting for our winter. I waited for the time when the sugary taste you bring would fade and the shadows would roll in. But they never did. 

That’s because you always make me feel like the start of September. You always remind me that today is a new day, and if yesterday you were feeling like winter, that today you can be fall.

Every day, you seem to shine brighter than the golden leaves and you are sweeter the apples and pumpkins blooming in the fields. You give me the life that fall does for everyone else. So if I can’t have the fall season year round, I am lucky to have the epitome of fall in you. TC mark

About the author

Lauren Strillacci

Full-time teacher with lots of vacation time to write about the things I really love.

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