Places To Meet Men When You’ve Had Enough Of Online Dating.

Am I the only one that keeps downloading and deleting dating apps, only to download them again when bored? Tinder, Hinge and Bumble, I’ve had them all. I’ve met great guys, I’ve met weird guys and I once even got catfished (Why would you say in your bio that you’re 6’2 if you’re really 5’4????)

I’ve used dating apps because as a full-time working mother, it’s an easy way of meeting men. I’m also someone who enjoys being able to get to know someone a little bit through texts and phone calls to see if we’re compatible before committing to a whole evening with them.

But… I’ve had enough. I’ve found that meeting men the ‘normal’ way always works out better – and if you feel the same, here are some great places to meet men offline:

The Library.

This one is a little personal because I love reading. I’m yet to meet somewhere here, but if reading is a hobby of yours and you want someone with the same interests, this is the perfect place.

A Coffee Shop.

I used to be someone who was terrified of eating, or even having a coffee, alone, but I’ve found there is never a shortage of men here.

At A Bar With Friends.

Instead of talking about how cute a man is, why not ask the bartender to send him a drink? I tried this once with a friend as a social experiment and the result was both hysterical and successful. Try it. What’s the worst that could happen?

At A Bar Alone.

A few years ago, I was stood up. Instead of making my way home to lie on my bed and feel sorry for myself, I sat at the bar and ordered a drink. Ten minutes later, I was approached by a wonderful guy. Nothing romantic ever came out of our exchange, but we are still friends to this day. It’s a nerve-wracking thing to do this (worried you’ll look like a loser?) but it can actually help you. It is always easier for a man to approach a woman when there are fewer people around to witness a potential rejection.

Through A Friend Or Co-Worker

Got a single friend or co-worker? She may have some single male friends, or even better, if your friend is in a relationship, her boyfriend may have some single guy friends. Plus, your friend knows your type and (hopefully) won’t set you up with someone you’re not suitable to.

A Day Or Evening Class.

You’re never to hold to stop learning and extend your education and this would be a great way of meeting a man with the same interests as you. Plus, you can help each other out. And if you don’t meet a guy, you’re bound to make new friends.

The Gym.

If you enjoy attending the gym and toned / muscular / fit guys are your thing, this is the perfect place.

The Park.

Own a dog? Take it for a walk in your local park more often. Enjoy running or cycling? Head to the park.


In my opinion, this is the best way to meet single men. You’re helping others, doing something you love and learning – and the single man you meet is doing the exact same thing.

A Comedy Show Or Gig.

A live performance + food and alcohol = fun and potential.

And remember, when meeting men, be friendly and smile!

About the author

Lauren Parker

Lauren likes writing about relationships and self-improvement.