The Man You Need To Wait For — In Order To Save Yourself From Heartbreak

girl sad
William Randles

Don’t look for perfection. Don’t look for flawless. Don’t look for someone without edges. Without scars. Without a past. Don’t look for un-broken glass.

You see, love was never meant to be picture perfect. It was never meant to be easy. And the man you need to wait for should have flaws. He should have a heart that has wounds and bruises. He should have flaws. Just like you.

Don’t put him on a pedestal. Don’t make him your god. Don’t expect him to fix everything in your life. Don’t expect him to give everything.

Your forever person is not a missing puzzle piece to your life. Your forever person is not a hero or superman. Your forever person isn’t going to fix every bad thing in your life. So, don’t expect that.

This is what you need to look for. Look for generosity. Look for selflessness. Look for an open heart and an open mind. Look for a nurturing soul. Look for a giver. Look for someone who has a story. Who has a past. Who sees a future with you.

Wait for the kind of man who doesn’t throw around promises. Wait for the kind of man who trusts you as much as you trust him. Wait for the kind of man who takes you seriously, who doesn’t laugh at your dreams and your goals.

Wait for the kind of man who can sense when you need space. Don’t look for someone who will cling to you like you are their only life line. Look for a man who loves you, but who doesn’t strangle you with their presence.

Look for the kind of man who sees strength in you, when all you see is weakness. Look for the kind of man who doesn’t give up on you, no matter how many times you mess up. Look for the kind of man who never makes you feel belittled. Who never makes you feel like you are second best.

Wait for the man who listens. Wait for the man who slowly lets his heart into your own. Wait for the man who doesn’t rush it. Who takes your hand only when you hold it out for him. Wait for the man who tells you who he is, and who doesn’t hide his broken parts.

A real man is someone who will open up to you. The right man for you is someone who won’t hide from his imperfections. He is someone who won’t wince at himself. He won’t wince at your past either.

The right man you need to wait for is not someone who fools you into thinking he has gone through life unscratched. The right man for you will tell you about the cuts on his heart. He will tell you all about his heartbreaks and many mountains he has had to climb. He won’t sugarcoat himself to you.

He will tell you the truth. And when you tell him the truth about who you are, about all your failures and mistakes, about the dark and ugly parts of your heart, he won’t leave.

The man you need to wait for is authentic. He is imperfect. But his love for you will be the closest thing to perfect that you will ever find. So hold out for him. Wait however long it takes. Because once you find him, you’ll never let go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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