Dear 2017, Please Be Good To Us

Adi Constantin
Adi Constantin

Dear 2017,

Please grant us with the strength we need when we are deep into despair.

Please grant us with the hope we need when we are close to giving up.

Please grant us with the light we need when we are blind to our own brightness.

Please grant us with the patience we need when we are faced with a fierce argument.

Please grant us with a sense of pride when we are being shot down by echoes of our past.

Please grant us with the love that we have desperately wished for on every shooting star.

Please grant us with the respect for ourselves when we are too ashamed to look at ourselves in the mirror.

Please grant us with the self-love that we would want for our future children.

Please grant us with time, time to spend with loved ones and time to self reflect.

Please grant us with friendships that fill up any hole that we may have in our hearts.

Please grant us with the ability to move on from people that have caused our hearts to fall apart.

And please grant us with wholehearted love for the world.

And please give us the reassurance that everything will be ok. Even when it’s not. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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