How To Make 2017 The Year Of You

Ian Schneider
Ian Schneider

Forget resolutions. Forget all the rules. Forget the list making and the regulations. Forget what everyone else says you should be doing. And forget what everybody else wants and needs.

Make 2017 about you and your life. Not anyone else’s.

Forget the loneliness that the world can rain down on you. Forget those boys who told you ‘no’ when all you wanted was to hear ‘yes’. Forget the people who told you would fail, and who said you would never get far in life. Forget that boy. Forget that girl. Forget them.

Forget all the people who didn’t think of you as a magical and wonderful being.

Stop listening to those people who look at you as competition and who view you as a nobody. Stop listening to the negativity, the hatred, and all of their doubts.

Start making changes for yourself. Start listening to your body, your heart and your soul. What do you want? What do you need? How can you make this year better than the last? What can you do to better yourself and to be a happier version of the old you?

Don’t listen to your own self doubt anymore. Throw away your self hatred. Stop listening to the thoughts in your head about your failures and about your imperfections. That isn’t going to fix you. It isn’t going to make you feel better. All it will do is weigh you down. And pretty soon, you won’t know how to get up again.

Look at who you are now and love that version of you. Love all of your flaws, all of your imperfections, all of your scars and all the tiny cracks in your heart. 

To have a better year, you need to start with acceptance in yourself. You need to start with self love in yourself. Before the change. Before the transformation. Before you put in the work. You need to love you for you.

Only then can you truly make a difference. Only then can you truly, be better and do better.

You won’t love yourself by losing five pounds. You won’t love yourself later on after you start eating better. You won’t love yourself after buying yourself a new wardrobe and new furniture. You won’t love yourself by trying to change everything about your life.

You have to love yourself without all that stuff. Without those transformations. And without the hard work.

To have a better year and a better life, you need to adore who you are before you become who you want to be. And you need to love every inch of your beautiful self. Before the changes. Before the clock strikes midnight. And before the ball drops.

You need to fix yourself on the inside before you even think about what’s on the outside. Love your core. And the rest will follow. Love your heart. And magic will start to happen. Because once you love yourself, you’ll love your life no matter what obstacles come your way. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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