I Hope You’re Happy Wherever You Are

iStockPhoto.com / jeffbergen
iStockPhoto.com / jeffbergen

Despite the hurt, the words never said, and the messages that remain unread, I hope you’re happy wherever you are. I never would want you to not be ok. I never would want to hear from someone that you aren’t doing well.

Frankly, that’d break my heart.

Despite what happened, I hope the sun is shining wherever you are. I hope you can smile at the moon when it casts a glow on your face. I hope you can see the sunshine and not walk towards the shade. I hope the weather is beautiful where you are, and you don’t have to experience cold raindrops hitting your face. I hope people are good to you.

I hope you know that this world is beautiful, despite the pain it can hand to you.

Despite everything, I hope you’re happy. I hope you smile when you see a puppy sprinting in circles at the park. And that you have the ability to laugh at yourself if you mess up or make a mistake at work. I hope you get the chance to travel more, and to truly experience the beauty of the world.

I hope that wherever you are is comforting. And relaxing. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Truly. And I hope you know how important you are to the world, and that there are people all over the world who love you. This world is full of great people. And this world is full of beauty. I hope you find that.

I hope you know that you’re special and you mean something to someone. No matter what.

I hope you aren’t lonely. I hope to god you don’t spend nights missing someone or something. I hope to god you don’t lose sleep over things you can’t control. I hope you aren’t anxious. I hope you aren’t unsettled. And I hope you always remember the good in your own heart. And the good in everyone else’s hearts.

I don’t know what you’re doing right now. I don’t know where you are, who you’re with or what’s going on in your life, but that doesn’t really matter. That’s not the point.

The truth is, I just wish you well. Always. I wish you steadiness when it’s hard to stay grounded. I wish you patience and passion. I wish you peace in yourself. I wish you love. I wish you summer days of smiles, of hot heat, and running into the ocean side. I wish you autumn days of carving pumpkins and warm sweaters. I wish you winter days of solitude, and calm. I wish you spring days of growth, and exploration.

And above you all, I wish you happiness whether it be from a simple cup of coffee, or a life changing opportunity. I’ll always want the best for you. Nothing less.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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