I Don’t Want To Just Have Sex

Viliman Viliman

I don’t want to just have sex.

I don’t want to just feel used and disposed of

I don’t want to just fulfil a need and be pushed away

I don’t want to just release tension and be forgotten

I don’t want to just have sex.

I want to feel your skin on mine. Not just naked contact, really feel your skin. I want to feel the energy between our naked bodies, to feel the vibrations between us, the pure desire…no- hunger for each other.

I want to feel the intensity rising, the humanistic lust growing. I want to feel the urgency in your touch, the knowing that you must have me…now.

I want to feel your hands; your hands all over my skin.

I want you to feel the shape I take, the curves of my body, the kiss of my hips under your fingertips. I want to feel you dance, your fingers telling stories on my breasts, whispering promises I will never forget.

I want to feel the curiosity of your touch, the wandering eyes of your hands over my body.

I want to feel your body. I want to tickle my way over your surface, drawing lines on a map directing me to your soul.

I want to feel your story, feel the shape of your life, the lessons your body has taught you. I want to feel your pleasure rise, your surrendering body under my control.

I want to feel you.

I don’t want to just have sex.

I want to make love. But not in the fluffy, surface level way. I want to really make love. To connect on such a level that every sex prior is wiped clean. To become one with you. To set a new standard for all future encounters.

I want to make love with you, not just have sex.

I am tired of sex.

I am tired of the disconnect it has become.

I am tired of the meaningless exchange of two people.

I am tired of the habitual like routine it became.

I am tired of it.

So I have waited, and I’ll continue to wait, until it means more.

My body is more than a release of tension

My body is more than a ten minute toy

My body is more than an object of entertainment.

My body, and my soul, are more than this.

Sex is more than this.

We are more than this. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Darlington

Writing, creating, exploring, questioning

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