Lauren Darlington

Writing, creating, exploring, questioning

Articles by
Lauren Darlington

I Wonder What We Could Become

I wonder what life might be. What we could create. What would happen if we felt all we spoke and took a chance. If we gave space to the potential we feel. If we allowed the vacancy to be filled. What could we become?

Your Happiness Is Up To You

Stop blaming everyone else for your life. Life isn’t out to get you, you’re not a victim; there’s nothing special about you that the world conspires against only you. So if you’re happy staying where you are than own that- but stop blaming the world for your current reality.

I’ll Wait As Long As I Have To

I am tired of conforming. Of people changing, adapting, shrinking who they are to fit an ideal set by society. I don’t want to date ten of your friends; I want to know you- the you that is real behind closed doors, the you you are afraid to be seen.

When You Miss Him

When you miss him, ask yourself what you’re really missing. Is it really him?

How Losing A Loved One To Suicide Completely Transformed My Life

But seeing her, knowing she was gone, something about it felt so wrong. A life had ended. And the thought of continuing to do the same, to follow her path, felt wrong. I wish I could explain it more clearly, to find the right words, but I knew in that moment things had to change.

I Lost You But Gained Myself Back

Without losing you I wouldn’t have forced myself to feel, to encourage the emotions I once ran from to surface, to feel the weight of tears or bursting energy of anger. I wouldn’t have shown myself it is okay to feel, to stand true in the thoughts of my mind.