Lara Murallos

I Love You Because…

Your “I love you” is comprised of holding my hand when I am at my weakest, kissing my forehead when I am worried, and always supporting me for whatever I aspire to be.

Some Friendships Don’t Last, And That’s Okay

We may try to spend time with each other, but then we face the reality that the magic is gone, and it wasn’t as easy as before. We cannot laugh over a silly old inside joke or make fun of the same person. But the worst is when smooth flowing banters turn into awkward conversations and the person you’re used to have lunch dates with suddenly turns into a total stranger.

Date A Guy Who’s Quiet

He will awkwardly walk towards you with a half-smile, not knowing if he’s going to wave hi or actually say hello. His charm will make you swoon and you will suddenly realize that even if it’s cliché, actions does speak louder than words, and it’s definitely okay.