If Only All Exit Interviews Were This Unprofessional

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This is a pretty solid series of sketches called ‘Parting Words’ — created and by NYC funnyman Adam Asher. Matt Dennie, a rising force in the NYC improv world, plays Peter — a seemingly normal and professional HR guy whose only job seems to be conducting Exit Interviews. Don’t wanna exactly ruin it for you, but his antics are not exactly “on-brand.”


The first features JL Cauvin, an NYC-based standup who you may know as the dude behind the very funny Comedy Academy. The second features Cirocco Dunlap, a writer/actress who’s writing credits include Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. If you’re stuck in an office today and fantasizing about your exit interview, it’s almost guaranteed it won’t be as fascinating as these two.

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sAGhN78Mhs&w=1280&h=720] Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Lance Pauker

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