Here Are The Top Three Potential Matches For You, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Read this to know who to date if you want someone to balance you out, if you want someone to challenge you, or if you want someone who makes you feel understood.
When it comes to dating, we are constantly scouring and searching for ways to determine which people are compatible for us and which ones we should steer clear of. We all have our own specifics of the things we want in a relationship, and while no one can account for all of our preferences, Myers-Briggs can help you sort out certain personalities that may just help you find what you’ve been consistently searching for.
While there are always several factors to consider in terms of choosing who to date, in this article we’re going to split this up into three different categories: Who to date if you want someone to balance you out, if you want someone to challenge you, or if you want someone who makes you feel understood.
It is worth noting that absolutely any two types are capable of making a relationship work, and the Myers-Briggs type alone shouldn’t necessarily dictate who you choose to date.
You are a constant source of ideas, enthusiasm, and optimism. You thrive in relationships that allow you to express your ideas and thoughts fully, and well as being able to discuss those ideas thoroughly. You work well with someone who can give you a little bit of structure who can also help you follow through on things before you get a little too distracted and forget about it.
Balances You Out: INTJ
The ENFP and the INTJ tend to be a dream team once they get used to each other. They both thrive in the world of ideas and discussions, and their dominant functions (Ne vs Ni, respectively) compliment each other extremely well in generating ideas as well as determining which ideas are the most effective. The ENFP is encouraging, optimistic, and full of fresh insight, and the INTJ provides a sense of structure, is intellectually stimulating, and is intricately complex. Both share a desire to grow and learn- from each other as well as the world around them, and a desire for independence, which they’re both capable of respecting for the other.
Challenges You: ENTJ
The ENFP and ENTJ seem to be fairly different on the surface, yet a closer look shows that these two have an interesting compliment if they can make it through their differences. These two shares two functions (Te and Fi), though the stacking is quite differently placed for them and can cause a sense of familiarity and uncertainty at first glance. Both have a strong interest in growing within a relationship, and between the ENFP’s constant idea generating and the ENTJs penchant for taking action and making those ideas a reality, they tend to benefit from each other more than they realize. While the ENFP tends to have more fun chasing possibilities rather than achieving every goal they begin- a source of frustration for the ENTJ- the ENTJ still provides a natural talent for knowing a person’s skills and how to apply those skills to help them achieve their goals, which is something the ENFP could genuinely benefit from. On the other side, ENFP’s are pretty skilled at analyzing their emotions and learning from them to make decisions and empathize with others- something the ENTJ isn’t as adept with, and could really benefit from learning. The ENFP is intellectually open, intelligent, and has a strong amount of passion, and the ENTJ is focused, exceptionally confident, and is a natural leader. While there is potential for misunderstanding between them, if they’re willing to give it a chance, there is a lot of potential for growth and appreciation between them.
Makes You Feel Understood: INFP
The ENFP and INFP tend to click right from the beginning. They share all of the same functions, just stacked in a slightly different order, and this gives both a mutual understanding of the other- something they both desire strongly but question if anyone is capable. The ENFP is emotionally intelligent, has a desire to take action on their passions, and is full of excitable energy, and the INFP is emotionally aware, full of depth, and holds a strong moral conviction (which is passionate as well). Truth be told their personalities are similar enough where they may not be entirely balanced, however, the differences they do have they tend to learn and grow with one another, and there is no doubt that their strong natural connection is superseded by very few.
You are a constant whirlwind of new ideas, theories, and opportunities. You’re not one to be complacent with something boring or stagnant. You like to shake things up and are open to new growth and possibility every single day- and you expect no less from your relationships. You loathe to admit that you work well with a little more structure, but as long as you’re intellectually stimulated and are improving your self, you’re more than happy in the relationship.
Balances You Out: INFJ
The ENTP and INFJ may come across as a strange pair, at first sight, however, the two of them together can actually be one exciting adventure of a relationship. You share two functions that are stacked as your auxiliary and tertiary functions, though reversed (Ti is auxiliary and Fe tertiary for ENTP and vice versa for the INFJ). This gives you both a surprising understanding of each other than what you’d anticipate. You’re both complex and intense in your own ways, and you enjoy a challenge. The ENTP is intellectually stimulating, constantly curious, and is determined to test their limits, and the INFJ is intensely analytical, a bit guarded, and pretty put together. The two of you aren’t bound to grow tired of each other or view the other as “too difficult” to try and know better, which could provide quite the long-term relationship.
Challenges You: INTJ
The ENTP and INTJ match tends to confuse some, based on the fact alone that they possess an entirely different set of functions. However, a closer look shows that these opposite functions tend to complement each other- most notable ENTPs extroverted intuition and INTJs introverted intuition. These types are a fantastic team in the ideas department- something both of them have a high excitement for. The ENTP is a debater, absolutely loathes stagnancy, and is constantly exploring things in a new light, and the INTJ is structured, firm in their opinions and boundaries, and possesses a strong penchant for intellectual conversations. Between their desire for growth and their strong sense of logic, these two can actually make quite the pair if they desire.
Makes You Feel Understood: ENFP
The ENTP and ENFP can be an underrated pairing for certain. These two share their dominant and inferior functions (Ne and Si, respectively) which gives them a natural understanding of each other from the get-go. Though these two may not naturally balance each other out (they share a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses) they both still hold quite a few of the same desires for growth, independence, and idea exploration to a high degree, which can translate well for them if they choose to work together. The ENTP is full of fresh ideas, full of confidence, and enjoys discovering how a person ticks. The ENFP is constantly exploring new possibilities, is full of enthusiasm, and enjoys a challenge. These two have quite the potential if they give it a chance.
When we talk about hopeless romantics, we all know you come to mind. When it comes to relationships, one thing is certain- you want to understand the other person fully (for better or worse) and you long to be understood in the same way. To you, this isn’t just about having similar hobbies and interests, but being able to connect on an intensely deep and emotional level to another person. You have an intense capacity for empathy but absolutely no tolerance for someone who is close-minded.
Balances You Out: ENFJ
The INFP and ENFJ pairing is quite ideal in the sense that these two share a desire for deep emotional authenticity. Though they don’t share any of each other’s four functions, their stacking compliments each other fairly well. ENFJs are well known as one of the most nurturing types, and they love the opportunity to care for their loved ones in all capacities- something the INFP can deeply appreciate and benefit from since they tend to lose themselves inside their own heads and get caught up in their own thoughts quite often. The INFP is emotionally intense, full of vision, and incredibly empathetic. The ENFJ is intentionally nurturing, has their life pretty well in order, and has a knack for having others open up around them. Between these two there can be an amazing relationship where both feel completely understood and incredibly balanced.
Challenges You: ENTP
The ENTP and INFP pairing can seem a little strange at first glance, but it’s not difficult to see how these two would be attracted to each other. They share two functions (Ne and Si) yet their thinking and feeling functions are the inverse of the other. Both of these types value being open-minded in a very strong way and enjoy exploring multiple angles on a particular issue or subject. The INFP is very analytical, deeply in tune with their emotions, and not afraid to embrace someone’s darker parts. The ENTP is exceptionally charming, a continuous debater, and interestingly complex. While it may not be the perfect match, these two have quite the capability to help the other expand their minds and ideas, as well as be their full selves around the other without feeling restrained.
Makes You Feel Understood: ENFP
The INFP and ENFP usually find they have a natural connection right from the start. They share all of the same functions, just stacked in a slightly different order, and this gives them both a mutual understanding of the other. Both of these types are prone to getting stuck inside their own minds, but place a high value on understanding their partner and accepting them completely. The INFP is deeply empathetic, very passionate about their morals and opinions, and full of deep romantic affection. The ENFP is encouraging, full of optimistic adoration, and is full of emotional authenticity that they place a high value on in relationships. These two tend to feel as if they’re “soulmates” simply by how well they understand each other, and despite their lack of “balance”, these two are still likely to work incredibly well together.
You tend to get a bad rep for not engaging in relationships as often as other types- but it’s not because you honestly don’t want one. You find yourself constantly being misunderstood by people, and sadly misunderstanding them in return. However, when it comes to a significant other, you make it your absolute goal to study them and understand them as thoroughly as possible- and you hope they are willing to do the same in return. You place a high value on honesty and independence, and if you’re able to find someone who values these things as well, you’re over the moon.
Balances You Out: ENTJ
The ENTJ and INTP match is one that is full of potential if both parties are willing to give it a shot. These two types share none of the same functions, yet use their functions in a similar order (dominant thinking function, auxiliary intuitive function, tertiary sensing function, and inferior feeling function). The fact that these two have the inverse functions from the other provides an interesting balance, as well as quite the opportunity for growth between them. The INTP is insanely intelligent, deeply analytical, and strikingly independent. The ENTJ is exceptionally driven, unmistakably confident, and high achieving. These two have a desire to learn as much as they can, and aren’t ones to be overly emotional or hold back their thoughts to spare feelings. Between the two of them, they could form an incredibly efficient partnership.
Challenges You: INTJ
The INTP and INTJ match is another possibility full of potential for both parties. These two also do not share any of the same functions, yet this shouldn’t cause them to write each other off. Both of these types require absolute honesty- even if it’s blunt, which neither type has any issue being. They have a strong desire for independence, and neither type is offended when the other requires alone time to recharge. The INTP is deeply introspective, spends a great amount of time thinking about/dwelling upon theories, and is exceptionally logical. The INTJ is intriguingly complex, deeply intelligent, and seeks to understand someone in the interest of growth. These two can form an incredible companionship full of depth if they can manage to actually spend more time together than apart.
Makes You Feel Understood: INTP
What seems strange at first tends to make quite a bit of sense with this type, but who better to deeply understand an INTP than another INTP? While being so similar can cause challenges in any relationship, this tends to benefit the INTP because they seek so desperately to be understood and to understand, and due to their aloof nature, it takes anyone quite a while to break down their exterior to get to know them truly. Both INTPs are analytical, have a great respect and desire for alone time, and love discussing complex theories and ideas. While this may not necessarily lead to any huge amount of growth between the two, it still has possibility due to both types desire to study and know the other as thoroughly as possible- and therefore taking into account what the relationship needs to thrive. Two INTPs have a pretty great chance of making a relationship work if they choose to.
When it comes to romantic relationships, you’re all for the person to pull out the stops to gain your affection. To you, effort translates directly into love and devotion, and you’ll not hesitate to go great length for your partner and you hope they will do the same for you. You don’t care too much for games or ambiguity- you want someone who is going to step up and pursue you.
Balances You Out: ISFP
At first glance, the ISFP and ESFJ may not seem like an ideal match, but taking a closer look reveals that despite some differences evident on the surface, both types have some important qualities in common. These types don’t share any functions in common, yet use their functions in a similar order (dominant feeling function, auxiliary sensing function, tertiary intuitive function, and inferior thinking function). This provides an interesting balance between the two and proves to be intriguing to both parties. The ISFP is incredibly artistic, incredibly self-expressive, and a little bit scattered in the best way. The ESFJ is incredibly patient, wonderfully dedicated, and interested in getting to know their partner on an extremely personal level. These two types tend to balance each other out and open up doors and possibility that the other might never have come across otherwise. While it seems a bit unconventional, it’s worth giving a shot.
Challenges You: ISTJ
The ISTJ and ESFJ pairing makes sense in several ways, despite their initial differences on the surface. These types share two functions- Extroverted Intuition and Introverted Sensing. While they use these functions in very different ways, which can cause some misunderstanding, they still have quite a few common factors- particularly in how they approach relationships. Both of these types have an intense desire for commitment and aren’t ones to take it lightly once they’re entered into one. Neither of these types likes to beat around the bush and are fairly straight forward in what they want and what they need. Though the ESFJ tends to hope for more validation than the ISTJ is used to giving, and the ISTJ likely will request more space than the ESFJ is used to granting, they still can use these differences to help strengthen each other if they choose to. The ISTJ is very practical, quite logical, and exceptionally loyal. The ESFJ is incredibly nurturing, hopelessly devoted, and very put together. These two can really cause each other to develop more within themselves as well as their relationship, and once they’ve made their connection, they are hard-pressed to ever part from it.
Makes You Feel Understood: ESTJ
The ESTJ and ESFJ match is another sensible potential match. These two also share two functions in common, yet surprisingly use these two in the same stacking and order (Auxiliary Si and Tertiary Ne). This provides a solid level of understanding between the two types, as well as a chance to learn from each other- ESFJ’s strength are ESTJ’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both parties also place a high value on commitment, and neither wants to have their time wasted on someone stringing them along, and both will do what it takes to capture the object of their affection’s heart. The ESTJ is driven, logically minded, and a little gregarious from time to time. The ESFJ is socially adept, has a solid focus on where their life is headed and will go out of their way to take care of the person they love. These two have the potential to really make it work if they are open to learning from each other.
Relationships are not something you take lightly- and you want a partner that feels the same way. You have a deeply loyal and nurturing aspect to you that you want to fully invest in a person- you tend to be drawn to people who “need” someone to take care of them because they are so caught up in the world around them. You are incredibly kind and put together, with a strong sensitive side to you, and someone who is insensitive or arrogant is not going to fly with you by any means.
Balances You Out: ESTP
The ESTP and ISFJ match might seem strange at first sight- but taking a look a little deeper proves that these two have the potential to be exactly what the other needs. These types share two functions (Ti and Fe), and though they use these functions differently due to their stacking, it can cause a surprising understanding between the two. ESTP’s tend to be a bit of a show-off, but are seen to be more confident than arrogant. ISFJ’s are incredibly poised and put together but exceptionally humble about it. The ESTP is intriguingly charming, exceptionally adventurous, and is a fantastic pragmatic problem solver. The ISFJ is incredibly nurturing, always reliable, and exceptionally put together. While these two seem more of an “opposites attract” situation, the ESTP could really benefit from having a sensitive and caring person like the ISFJ in their corner, while the ISFJ might be excitedly thrilled about having an adventurous spirit like the ESTP lighting up their life and taking care of them when they get a little too caught up in their latest adventure to do it themselves. These two could be a dream team if they are willing to give it a chance.
Challenges You: ESFP
The ESFP and ISFJ match has more potential than it seems from the surface. While these types don’t share any of the same functions, they use them in a similar order (dominant sensing function, auxiliary feeling function, tertiary thinking function, inferior intuitive function). This provides an interesting balance between the two types and can be intriguing for each party. Both types value taking care of and helping the people they love, though they may have different methods of approaching that goal. Both types also have a sensitive streak and strive to keep things as harmonious as possible in their relationships. The ESFP is very outgoing, has an engaging personality that draws people in, and enjoys being the center of attention. The ISFJ is carefully reserved, has a knack for taking care of someone’s every need, and is as loyal as they come. While there are some differences between the two that may need to be discussed, these types have a great chance of learning from and complimenting each other well if they are willing to give it a shot.
Makes You Feel Understood: ISTJ
The ISTJ and ISFJ match makes for pretty kindred spirits in quite a few ways. These two types share two functions (dominant Si and inferior Ne) which mean they share a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses, creating a bond from the beginning. Both of these types are fiercely loyal and place a high value on commitment- once they enter a relationship, they are hard pressed to leave it. Both of these types also value going out of their way to help their loved ones- though the ISTJ tends to act more practically than emotionally, while the ISFJ leans towards both areas in pretty equal measure. The ISTJ is exceptionally logical, incredibly reliable, and straight forward in their intentions. The ISFJ is very composed, has their lives together, and quietly humble. These types share enough in common to feel like kindred spirits, and can really benefit from the growth and commonality they possess between them.
You aren’t known to be the most romantic type in the traditional sense, but you show your love through your steadfast commitment to a relationship. You place a high value on honesty and respect, and when you meet someone who also values these things, there isn’t anything you won’t do to keep the relationship going- and you might even show a little of your soft side when it’s all said and done.
Balances You Out: ISTP
The ESTJ and ISTP match are often listed as a potential ideal for each other- and it’s not entirely too hard to see why these two could be good for each other. These two may not share any of the same functions, but they use them in a similar order (dominant thinking function, auxiliary sensing function, tertiary intuitive function, inferior feeling function), which can provide a solid balance between the two. Both of these types share a strong practical nature and value respect of the other person, as long as that respect is returned. Neither is afraid of confrontation or doing whatever is necessary to fix an issue: both types are known to be natural practical problem solvers. The ESTJ tends to take charge in most situations, which the ISTP can appreciate and benefit from, while the ISTP is known to be a bit adventurous, which can help the ESTJ loosen up from time to time. While neither of these types possesses a strong feeling function, which can make the relationship seem more pragmatic than romantic, both of these types tend to express their love in practical ways, and both can appreciate and recognize this for what it is to the other. The ISTP is strongly independent, naturally grounded, and secretly adventurous. The ESTJ is dominant, exceptionally driven, and bluntly direct in their communication. While these two have the potential to butt heads, if they both are willing to benefit from what the other has to teach them, this has the potential to be a great partnership.
Challenges You: ISFP
The ESTJ and ISFP match appears to be a bit strange at first glance, yet has a lot of potential if they take a closer look. These types share two cognitive functions (Fi and Te), yet their stacking is completely opposite- ESTJ’s dominant function is ISFP’s inferior, and vice versa. While this can cause some misunderstanding, it also provides a strong opportunity for each other to learn and grow in the relationship. These two truly are an opposites attract scenario- both will push each other out of their comfort zones and require a great deal of communication. The ESTJ is straight-forward, incredibly driven, and a practical provider. The ISFP is artistic, full of heart, and adventurous. While this match requires some give and take, it can be an interesting and worthwhile relationship.
Makes You Feel Understood: ESFJ
The ESTJ and ESFJ match is also sensible potential match. These two also share two functions in common, yet surprisingly use these two in the same stacking and order (Auxiliary Si and Tertiary Ne). This tends to provide a solid level of understanding between the two types, as well as a chance to learn from each other- ESTJs strength are ESFJ’s weaknesses, and vice versa. Both of these types highly value a strong commitment and will go to great lengths to obtain and ensure that commitment. While the ESTJ isn’t always the best with expressing emotions- something the ESFJ thrives in- both types can appreciate and show affection through taking care of the other’s needs. The ESFJ has the potential to pull out the softer, more romantic side of the ESTJ once they make it clear they are in the relationship for the long haul and that they can fully trust them. The ESTJ can also serve as a catalyst to help the ESFJ achieve their goals and help them make decisions in a more practical fashion when called for, rather than allowing their feelings to determine the situation. The ESTJ is driven, logically minded, and a little gregarious from time to time. The ESFJ is socially adept, has a solid focus on where their life is headed and will go out of their way to take care of the person they love. These two can provide a really interesting balance and cause some potential growth if both are willing to give it a chance.
You’re a very structured and traditional kind of person, but you’re far from boring. You’re calm, straight-forward, and you don’t like to mess around when it comes to relationships- the structure of modern dating honestly gives you a headache. You aren’t considered a super romantic, but you’ll always go out of your way to make sure your partner is taken care of and provided for- something you hope they appreciate and realize just how much it means to you. You work well with someone who respects your traditions and values, but who can also help you break out of your shell and loosen up from time to time.
Balances You Out: ESFP
The ESFP and ISTJ match can leave some scratching their heads at first, yet taking a closer look there is a great deal of possibility between the two. These types share two functions (Te and Fi) that sit auxiliary and tertiary in their stacking (Fi and Te for ESFP, vice versa for ISTJ), as well as they lead with a sensing function and have an inferior intuitive function. There tends to be a natural attraction between these types- the ISTJ is drawn to the ESFP’s natural charm, their people skills, and enthusiasm. The ESFP is drawn to the ISTJs reliability, strength of character, and firm resolve. While these two may have different approaches to life and how to handle certain situations, which can cause some friction, these two balance each other out in surprising ways and tend to make a great team once they choose to work together in understanding each other.
Challenges You: ESFJ
The ISTJ and ESFJ pairing make sense in several ways. These types share two functions- Extroverted Intuition and Introverted Sensing. While they use these functions in very different ways, which can cause some misunderstanding, they still have quite a few common factors- particularly in how they approach relationships. Both of these types have an intense desire for commitment and aren’t ones to take it lightly once they’re entered into one. Neither of these types likes to beat around the bush and are fairly straight forward in what they want and what they need. The ISTJ is very practical, quite logical, and exceptionally loyal. The ESFJ is incredibly nurturing, hopelessly devoted, and very put together. These two can really cause each other to develop more within themselves as well as their relationship, and once they’ve made their connection, they are hard-pressed to ever part from it.
Makes You Feel Understood: ISTJ
When it comes to being on the same page, no one understands an ISTJ like another ISTJ. These types share all of the same functions in the exact same stacking, so there isn’t much of a question on where they stand in handling relationships. These types tend to be drawn to each other due to their alignments in the value of traditions and routine, their fierce and obligatory loyalty, and their ability to look at situations based more on logic than on emotional reasoning. These two may not do much to balance each other out, yet they do feel a strong connection based on mutual agreements, which can allow them to feel understood in ways few others can.
You are well-known for having such a big heart for people, and that does not change in regards to anyone you enter a relationship with. You’re incredible compassionate and intuitive- you have a knack for understanding and picking up vibes from people very easily, and you go out of your way to show your love and adoration for someone once you’ve begun to know them. You have a way of causing your partners to feel comfortable opening up with you, and you want nothing more than to help your partner become the best possible version of themselves- and as much as you tend to pour into your relationships, you hope they will do the same with you in return. You work well with someone who appreciates your devotion and is willing to be open with you, but who can also make sure you’re taking care of yourself, too.
Balances You Out: INFP
The INFP and ENFJ pairing is quite ideal in the sense that these two share a desire for deep emotional authenticity. Though they don’t share any of each other’s four functions, their stacking compliments each other fairly well. ENFJs are well known as one of the most nurturing types, and they love the opportunity to care for their loved ones in all capacities- something the INFP can deeply appreciate and benefit from since they tend to lose themselves inside their own heads and get caught up in their own thoughts quite often. The INFP is emotionally intense, full of vision, and incredibly empathetic. The ENFJ is intentionally nurturing, has their life pretty well in order, and has a knack for having others open up around them. Between these two there can be an amazing relationship where both feel completely understood and incredibly balanced.
Challenges You: INTJ
The ENFJ and INTJ match can seem a bit out there, but these types can really benefit and help the other grow in a relationship. These two share two functions (Ni and Se), though they are stacked differently. Both of these types want to bring out the best in their partners and both want to see growth in their relationships; the ENFJ is more nurturing, organized, and encouraging in their approach, while the INTJ tends to lean on the more straight- forward, goal-focused aspect. Though these two tend to have some stark differences- such as the ENFJ’s tendency to be smothering where the INTJ requires space to process things- these two still have a lot to teach each other. The ENFJ is very perceptive and intuitive about the people around them, and are great at encouraging others to open up- something the INTJ could certainly learn from. The INTJ tends to be more reserved but also understands the benefit of taking care of yourself and not pouring all your energy into other people constantly- something the ENFJ could really benefit from applying in their own lives. While there is potential for misunderstandings between the two, as long as they communicate their needs, they could really learn to access the sides of them they aren’t as accustomed to and will benefit from the growth they will experience.
Makes You Feel Understood: ESFJ
The ENFJ and ESFJ match tends to share a lot of similarities between them. This isn’t much of a surprise: they share two functions (Fe and Ti) which are stacked the same way- both with dominant extroverted Feeling and inferior introverted thinking. These two share the same strengths and weaknesses, which allows them to bond initially. ENFJs and ESFJs tend to be drawn to each other due to both of their desires to love and care for their loved ones, which is a quality both possess and consider very valuable. These types are also likely to appreciate and validate the other for going out of their way to care for them, which is something both types desperately thrive off of. As long as they can find a way to work through their similar weaknesses, these two have some real possibility.
You can seem difficult to get to know at first meeting, but if someone is willing to earn your trust and look past your walls, they’ll find an incredibly compassionate, analytical, and authentic person. You want your partner to be happy and you’ll go out of your way to keep things as harmonious as possible- unless it goes against your own moral code, in which case you stand firm in the things you believe. You work well with someone you’re able to be your true self and share your innermost thoughts with, and who will do the same with you, but who will also help you get out of your head every once in a while.
Balances You Out: ENTP
The ENTP and INFJ may come across as a strange pair at first sight, however, the two of them together can actually be one exciting adventure of a relationship. You share two functions that are stacked as your auxiliary and tertiary functions, though reversed (Ti is auxiliary and Fe tertiary for ENTP and vice versa for the INFJ). This gives you both a surprising understanding of each other than what you’d anticipate. You’re both complex and intense in your own ways, and you enjoy a challenge. The ENTP is intellectually stimulating, constantly curious, and is determined to test their limits, and the INFJ is intensely analytical, a bit guarded, and pretty put together. The two of you aren’t bound to grow tired of each other or view the other as “too difficult” to try and know better, which could provide quite the long-term relationship.
Challenges You: ENTJ
The INFJ and ENTJ might seem a little odd at first glance, but these two have some interesting potential when you take a closer look. These two share two functions (NI and Se), though they are placed differently within their stacks. Despite this, both types tend to be big-picture thinkers who place a strong value on trust as well as intelligence and a desire to keep learning. The differences between these two obviously aren’t ones to be overlooked- the INFJ places a high value in deeply connecting with others on an emotional level as well as a mental one, where the ENTJ tends to focus on the more practical sides of the relationship and not necessarily prioritizing the more feeling aspects. The INFJ also has a reputation of keeping more to themselves and not allowing others into their space, where the ENTJ tends to push boundaries if they believe it will benefit the relationship (or achieve a goal). The INFJ is compassionate, idealistic, and incredibly concerned with maintaining harmony and happiness in all their relationships. The ENTJ is goal-oriented, a bit gregarious, and concerned with getting things done in the best way possible.
Makes You Feel Understood: INFJ
Considered one of the rarest out of all 16 of the types, it’s not really a shock that the type that makes the INFJ feel the most understood is another INFJ. These types obviously share all of the same functions- and while there may not necessarily be a ton of growth in a relationship like this, it can be an extremely validating one where each INFJ feels authentically seen and known for exactly who they are- something they worry they will never truly find with another person. Both INFJ’s are concerned with having a harmonious relationship and paying attention to their partner’s needs and thoughts, meaning this won’t be a one-sided relationship where either partner is neglected or unappreciated. In addition, these two have a strong to desire to learn and theorize about the world around them and what it could be like- something that can be hard for them to express to other types who aren’t quite as in depth in these ideas themselves. INFJ’s are deeply concerned for their loved one’s needs, extremely imaginative, and want to help their partner becomes the best version of themselves. At the end of the day, these two will find great solace and companionship with each other.
You’re excitable, adventurous, and spontaneous. You tend to live your life in the moment, and you want to pack as much adventure and excitement as you possibly can into it. You don’t want anything less in your relationship- you hope that your partner will not only be excited for you to pursue new adventures but will join you along for the ride as well! You’re charming and flirtatious, and you have a knack for being a hands-on problem solver who takes pride in taking on the newest situation. You work well with someone who will admire you for the skills you possess, but who also can help you realize you don’t always have to be constantly moving in order to live and thrive.
Balances You Out: ISFJ
The ESTP and ISFJ match might seem strange at first sight- but taking a look a little deeper proves that these two have the potential to be exactly what the other needs. These types share two functions (Ti and Fe), and though they use these functions differently due to their stacking, it can cause a surprising understanding between the two. ESTP’s tend to be a bit of a show-off, but are seen to be more confident than arrogant. ISFJ’s are incredibly poised and put together but exceptionally humble about it. The ESTP is intriguingly charming, exceptionally adventurous, and is a fantastic pragmatic problem solver. The ISFJ is incredibly nurturing, always reliable, and exceptionally put together. While these two seem more of an “opposites attract” situation, the ESTP could really benefit from having a sensitive and caring person like the ISFJ in their corner, while the ISFJ might be excitedly thrilled about having an adventurous spirit like the ESTP lighting up their life and taking care of them when they get a little too caught up in their latest adventure to do it themselves. These two could be a dream team if they are willing to give it a chance.
Challenges You: INFP
It’s no surprise that these two might seem unlikely to ever form a relationship, but these two can learn so much from each other. They don’t share any functions, and even their order seems drastically different- which normally would be caused to abandon the idea altogether. Yet with these two, there is a real possibility to help the other in their weak spots, and so much growth is possible. Both of these types strongly desire to be individualistic and want the space to be themselves/have their freedom. They also get excited about new adventures and possibilities- though the INFP May lean more towards the realm of ideas and internal thoughts and the ESTP may lean more towards the outside world and desire to engage in physical activities. On the flip side, the INFP is very adept at understanding and discussing emotional subjects l, and has a strong desire to know their partner completely: things the ESTP isn’t naturally in tune with. The ESTP is great at living in the moment and taking on the physical world around them: things the INFP isn’t naturally skilled with and could immensely benefit from. The INFP is idealistic, excited about new possibilities, and deeply devoted to understanding their partner. The ESTP is excitable, great at living in the moment, and impulsive at times. Though friction between these two is likely, there is also an incredible opportunity for these two to learn and grow if they’re willing to give each other a chance.
Makes You Feel Understood: ISTP
Though these two may seem different at an initial glance, these two have a surprising understanding of each other that allows them to feel seen for who they truly are. They share all of the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order so natural respect and ease can form between them. Both of these types strongly value have their freedom and space and aren’t likely to seek out romantic relationships in the first place for fear of not being able to be themselves. They’re both logical problem solvers, able to take on an issue and easily find a solution without having to try too hard, and they hold a lot of respect for those who use logic and reason before resorting to emotions. The ISTP is pragmatic, observational, and has the capacity to be spontaneous and playful. The ESTP is enthusiastic, hands-on, and very outgoing. While the ESTP is much more extroverted than the ISTP is likely used to, there is no denying that they share quite a few similarities and thrive by taking their lives one day at a time. They can form a strong relationship if they are willing to come out of their comfort zones from time to time.
When it comes to relationships, you may seem a little distant initially- but this doesn’t mean you’re averse to being in one. You’re very calm and reserved when it comes to the more emotional side of things, but your personality as a whole is playful, fun-loving, and adventurous. You’re great at coming up with quick fixes to things that most people wouldn’t even notice, and you tend to live your life more in the moment, rather than fixating on the future or the past. Though you aren’t considered a super romantic type, you do your best to take care of your partner’s needs and encourage them to try new things. You work well with someone who can respect your space and desire for freedom, but who can also get you to break out of your shell and step outside your comfort zone a little.
Balances You Out: ESTJ
The ESTJ and ISTP match is often listed as a potential ideal for each other- and it’s not entirely too hard to see why these two could be good for each other. These two may not share any of the same functions, but they use them in a similar order (dominant thinking function, an auxiliary sensing function, tertiary intuitive function, inferior feeling function), which can provide a solid balance between the two. Both of these types share a strong practical nature and value respect of the other person, as long as that respect is returned. Neither is afraid of confrontation or doing whatever is necessary to fix an issue: both types are known to be natural practical problem solvers. The ESTJ tends to take charge in most situations, which the ISTP can appreciate and benefit from, while the ISTP is known to be a bit adventurous, which can help the ESTJ loosen up from time to time. While neither of these types possesses a strong feeling function, which can make the relationship seem more pragmatic than romantic, both of these types tend to express their love in practical ways, and both can appreciate and recognize this for what it is to the other. The ISTP is strongly independent, naturally grounded, and secretly adventurous. The ESTJ is dominant, exceptionally driven, and bluntly direct in their communication. While these two have the potential to butt heads, if they both are willing to benefit from what the other has to teach them, this has the potential to be a great partnership.
Challenges You: ENFP
These two might seem far too different on the surface to ever truly come together, but their differences don’t necessarily have to make or break their potential. These two share none of the same functions- which means they approach their lives and process them in distinctly different ways. However, these two still share certain aspects in common and can benefit greatly from being in each other’s lives. Both types have a strong desire for freedom and autonomy in their relationships (though the ISTP may require more of this than the ENFP). Both of these types are also pretty free-flowing in their personal lives- they don’t like to be too rigid or have every single moment planned out. On the opposite end, the ENFP is a very idea centered and forward thinker, whereas the ISTP is a very in tune with the current moment and focuses more on the past/present. This can cause some confusion between the two, but can also help the other to not remain fixated in one direction- ISTPs can help ground ENFPs and remind them to live in the moment, whereas ENFPs can push the ISTP to actually take a step into looking at their future and even doing something about it. The ENFP is strongly motivating, full of enthusiastic ideas, and loves looking at all the possibilities in any given problem/situation. The ISTP is logically reasonable, very hands-on, and has a knack for easily coming up with solutions to issues that may arise. While there is definitely a possibility of tension and misunderstanding, if these two are willing to take a chance on the other, they have the potential to discover parts of themselves they never knew they possessed.
Makes You Feel Understood: ESTP
Though these two may seem different at an initial glance, these two have a surprising understanding of each other that allows them to feel seen for who they truly are. They share all of the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order so natural respect and ease can form between them. Both of these types strongly value have their freedom and space and aren’t likely to seek out romantic relationships in the first place for fear of not being able to be themselves. They’re both logical problem solvers, able to take on an issue and easily find a solution without having to try too hard, and they hold a lot of respect for those who use logic and reason before resorting to emotions. The ISTP is pragmatic, observational, and has the capacity to be spontaneous and playful. The ESTP is enthusiastic, hands-on, and very outgoing. While the ESTP is much more extroverted than the ISTP is likely used to, there is no denying that they share quite a few similarities and thrive by taking their lives one day at a time. They can form a strong relationship if they are willing to come out of their comfort zones from time to time.
When it comes to your relationships, you give them the best you have to offer. You’re incredibly spontaneous and love to be around people, and you enjoy having an unstructured lifestyle. You’re incredibly affectionate and generous- in both your words and your actions- and your partner rarely ever feels unloved or underappreciated whenever they’re with you. You prefer to approach your relationships with a casual and free-flowing attitude, but if you find someone that you truly connect with, you’ll give them your absolute all. You work best with someone who can appreciate your fun-loving and affectionate nature, but who can also help bring some structure to your life and show you it’s not always a bad thing.
Balances You Out: ISTJ
The ESFP and ISTJ match can leave some scratching their heads at first, yet taking a closer look there is a great deal of possibility between the two. These types share two functions (Te and Fi) that sit auxiliary and tertiary in their stacking (Fi and Te for ESFP, vice versa for ISTJ), as well as leading with a sensing function and, have an inferior intuitive function. There tends to be a natural attraction between these types- the ISTJ is drawn to the ESFP’s natural charm, their people skills, and enthusiasm. The ESFP is drawn to the ISTJs reliability, strength of character, and firm resolve. While these two may have different approaches to life and how to handle certain situations, which can cause some friction, these two balance each other out in surprising ways and tend to make a great team once they choose to work together in understanding each other.
Challenges You: INTP
These two couldn’t appear any more different when they’re next to each other, but make no mistake- these two could really benefit from each other if they don’t call it quits right off the bat. These two don’t share any of the same functions, but this isn’t a reason to write the other off just yet. Both of these types are slightly hesitant to get into relationships anyway: INTPs because they prefer to be alone and feel misunderstood, ESFPs because they like to keep their options open and value authentic relationships. Both also have a strong need to have their freedom within the relationship and require a great deal of trust from their partner to allow them to do so. On the flip side, ESFPs are very extroverted and are well-known for being people-persons- something the INTP isn’t naturally excited about by any means. The INTP is known for wanting to discuss their latest theories and ponder complex theoretical ideas- something that can cause the ESFP to grow bored of quickly. However, the INTP can strongly benefit from the ESFP’s incredible set of social skills and help them feel more comfortable in engaging with people, and the ESFP can benefit from having a partner who is very intensely determined to understand and meet their needs and understand them as authentically as they possibly can. The INTP is pragmatic, incredibly analytical, and quietly reserved. The ESFP is excitable, socially savvy, and incredibly flexible in their day to day life. While there are sure to be some friction every now and then, if these two can make the decision to stick it out through the rough times, there is so much potential for growth for both sides.
Makes You Feel Understood: ISFP
Though their extroverted and introverted tendencies may make these two appear very different at first glance, there is much more than meets the eye. These types share all of the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order which gives them an instant connection and understanding between them. Both types are sensitive and compassionate towards others and long for deep and intimate connections with someone they truly care for. Both tend to play off being vulnerable by joking around or giving off a vibe of being unattached to whatever situation or person is requiring it from them, though they both crave to be understood for who they are deep down. Though the ESFP is much more socially involved than the ISFP, both share quite a bit of core values and appreciate having someone who views things in a similar fashion and enjoys the refreshing perspectives they can gather from each other. The ISFP is artistically creative, incredibly modest, and really down to earth. The ESFP is socially adept, genuinely caring about their partner’s happiness, and wonderfully spontaneous. These two truly can feel connected when they take the time to get to know each other, and their appreciation of the other knows no bounds.
When it comes to your relationships, you’re an incredibly loving and loyal person. You like to go with the flow and not try to force yourself into any kind of structured routine if you don’t have to. You go out of your way to express your affection and love to your partner, and you’re more than willing to let your own needs take a backseat to your partner in order to make sure they’re taken care of. You love to help out and care for your loved ones, and you thrive in a relationship when you find a person who acknowledges your doing so and shows you just how much they care in return.
Balances You Out: ESFJ
At first glance, the ISFP and ESFJ may not seem like an ideal match, but taking a closer look reveals that despite some differences evident on the surface, both types have some important qualities in common. These types don’t share any functions in common, yet use their functions in a similar order (dominant feeling function, an auxiliary sensing function, tertiary intuitive function, and inferior thinking function). This provides an interesting balance between the two and proves to be intriguing to both parties. The ISFP is incredibly artistic, incredibly self-expressive, and a little bit scattered in the best way. The ESFJ is incredibly patient, wonderfully dedicated, and interested in getting to know their partner on an extremely personal level. These two types tend to balance each other out and open up doors and possibility that the other might never have come across otherwise. While it seems a bit unconventional, it’s worth giving a shot.
Challenges You: ENTJ
These two types truly are the opposite versions of each other, but this isn’t a reason to dismiss their potential. These two shares all the same functions, however, they are stacked in directly opposite orders from the other (Fi, Se, Ni, Te for the ISFP, and Te, Ni, Se, Fi for the ENTJ). Though they approach things in their lives in very different ways, there is still a slight familiarity that is recognized between them if they pay attention. Both types aren’t looking for a casual type of relationship- if they form a connection with their partner, they want to pursue it to its fullest extent. These two also tend to lean towards being more action-oriented than using their words, something each can appreciate and understand well. On the other side of things, ISFP’s can be guarded and not communicative if they are experiencing hurt feelings, something that can frustrate the ENTJ, who is not naturally one to pick up on these things on their own and require direct communication- though this can lead to the ENTJ helping the ISFP learn to express themselves in a more confident way. The ENTJ can become very caught up in planning and attempting to execute their goals and treat the relationship as more of a project, something that can make the ISFP feel very disconnected and uninterested- though this could lead to the ISFP helping the ENTJ to take a break and take things one day at a time every now and then, as well as help them learn to see the relationship in a less calculated way. The ENTJ is straight forward, good at helping people grow and achieve their goals, and are exceptionally confident. The ISFP is compassionate, has a desire to connect deeply with their partner, and is modest about their achievements. Though things can get rocky from time to time, there is still quite a bit of potential for growth with these two if they give it a chance.
Makes You Feel Understood: ESFP
Though their extroverted and introverted tendencies may make these two appear very different at first glance, there is much more than meets the eye. These types share all of the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order which gives them an instant connection and understanding between them. Both types are sensitive and compassionate towards others and long for deep and intimate connections with someone they truly care for. Both tend to play off being vulnerable by joking around or giving off a vibe of being unattached to whatever situation or person is requiring it from them, though they both crave to be understood for who they are deep down. Though the ESFP is much more socially involved than the ISFP, both share quite a bit of core values and appreciate having someone who views things in a similar fashion and enjoys the refreshing perspectives they can gather from each other. The ISFP is artistically creative, incredibly modest, and really down to earth. The ESFP is socially adept, genuinely caring about their partner’s happiness, and wonderfully spontaneous. These two truly can feel connected when they take the time to get to know each other, and their appreciation of the other knows no bounds.
You’re certainly a go-getter, and no one would dare argue with you on that. You like to set your goals and then do whatever you need to in order to make them happen. You have high standards for yourself, and when it comes to your relationships, you don’t expect anything less from them. You’re a natural leader and love to have the upper hand, though you do have a genuine desire to help your partner grow and thrive within themselves and together with you in your relationship. You aren’t one to be super romantic, and would much rather prefer to show your partner you care through actions and taking care of their daily needs, but when you find someone who you feel completely comfortable around, you are more willing to expose that softer side of yourself. At the end of the day, you work best in a relationship where your partner isn’t afraid to push themselves to achieve great things, as well as someone who appreciates and respects you for the person you are- while also helping you access that more empathetic side you try to keep hidden.
Balances You Out: INTP
The ENTJ and INTP match is one that is full of potential if both parties are willing to give it a shot. These two types share none of the same functions, yet use their functions in a similar order (dominant thinking function, auxiliary intuitive function, tertiary sensing function, and inferior feeling function). The fact that these two have the inverse functions from the other provides an interesting balance, as well as quite the opportunity for growth between them. The INTP is insanely intelligent, deeply analytical, and strikingly independent. The ENTJ is exceptionally driven, unmistakably confident, and high achieving. These two have a desire to learn as much as they can, and aren’t ones to be overly emotional or hold back their thoughts to spare feelings. Between the two of them, they could form an incredibly efficient partnership
Challenges You: ENFP
The ENFP and ENTJ seem to be fairly different on the surface, yet a closer look shows that these two have a pretty good complementary thing going for them. Both have a strong interest in growing within a relationship, and between the ENFP’s constant idea generating and the ENTJ’s penchant for taking action and making those ideas a reality, they tend to benefit from each other more than they realize. The ENFP is intellectually open, intelligent, and has a strong amount of passion, and the ENTJ is focused, exceptionally confident, and is a natural leader. Together, the two of them provide a natural balance that neither of them would have expected.
Makes You Feel Understood: INTJ
These two have more in common than most might realize if they aren’t looking closely. These types share all the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order, which gives them a natural understanding and appreciation of the other. Both types are independent and big picture thinkers and enjoy determine possible ideas that can help them effectively achieve their goals. These two also hold themselves and their partners to high standards and are concerned with helping their partners achieve their goals and become the best version of themselves. Though the ENTJ is more extroverted than the INTJ, this is also appreciated, as the INTJ often has a hard time getting out of their shell and interacting with people in a comfortable way, while the INTJ can also show the ENTJ the benefits of not being around people constantly and learning to solve things on their own. The INTJ is strong in their opinions/beliefs, values intelligence, and has a strong desire to see their relationship grow. The ENTJ is energetic towards achieving their goals, confident in themselves, and not afraid to speak bluntly to get their point across. These types truly can appreciate and see parts of themselves in each other, which can allow them to relax and let their guards down, while also allowing them to still grow and learn from each other through the course of their relationship.
You’re a very loyal and independent individual, and anyone who knows you realizes that from the beginning. You’re intrigued by the depth and exploration of this world we live in, and you enjoy learning about and discussing these things with others. You are straight-forward and don’t like to beat around the bush when it comes to saying what you need to say, and when it comes to your relationships this doesn’t change in the slightest. Though you aren’t one to show emotion easily, those who take the time to get to know you learn you do experience deep emotions, you just don’t always know how to express them. You work best with a partner who will respect your space and independence, while also being willing to grow and thrive with you in the relationship- as well as pushing you to access the more emotional side of you that you prefer to set aside.
Balances You Out: ENFP
The ENFP and the INTJ tend to be a dream team once they get used to each other. They both thrive in the world of ideas and discussions, and their dominant functions (Ne vs Ni, respectively) compliment each other extremely well in generating ideas as well as determining which ideas are the most effective. The ENFP is encouraging, optimistic, and full of fresh insight, and the INTJ provides a sense of structure, is intellectually stimulating, and intricately complex. Both share a desire to grow and learn- from each other as well as the world around them, and a desire for independence, which they’re both capable of respect for the other.
Challenges You: ENFJ
The ENFJ and INTJ match can seem a bit out there, but these types can really benefit and help the other grow in a relationship. These two share two functions (Ni and Se), though they are stacked differently. Both of these types want to bring out the best in their partners and both want to see growth in their relationships; the ENFJ is more nurturing, organized, and encouraging in their approach, while the INTJ tends to lean on the more straight- forward, goal-focused aspect. Though these two tend to have some stark differences- such as the ENFJ’s tendency to be smothering where the INTJ requires space to process things- these two still have a lot to teach each other. The ENFJ is very perceptive and intuitive about the people around them, and are great at encouraging others to open up- something the INTJ could certainly learn from. The INTJ tends to be more reserved but also understands the benefit of taking care of yourself and not pouring all your energy into other people constantly- something the ENFJ could really benefit from applying in their own lives. While there is potential for misunderstandings between the two, as long as they communicate their needs, they could really learn to access the sides of them they aren’t as accustomed to and will benefit from the growth they will experience.
Makes You Feel Understood: ENTJ
These two have more in common than most might realize if they aren’t looking closely. These types share all the same functions, stacked in a slightly different order, which gives them a natural understanding and appreciation of the other. Both types are independent and big picture thinkers and enjoy determine possible ideas that can help them effectively achieve their goals. These two also hold themselves and their partners to high standards and are concerned with helping their partners achieve their goals and become the best version of themselves. Though the ENTJ is more extroverted than the INTJ, this is also appreciated, as the INTJ often has a hard time getting out of their shell and interacting with people in a comfortable way, while the INTJ can also show the ENTJ the benefits of not being around people constantly and learning to solve things on their own. The INTJ is strong in their opinions/beliefs, values intelligence, and has a strong desire to see their relationship grow. The ENTJ is energetic towards achieving their goals, confident in themselves, and not afraid to speak bluntly to get their point across. These types truly can appreciate and see parts of themselves in each other, which can allow them to relax and let their guard down, while also allowing them to still grow and learn from each other through the course of their relationship.